“Fuck it,” I say as I pause in front of her door and knock.

I wait for a moment but I don’t hear anything and I knock again. This time when there’s nothing I press my ear to the door, and I can hear what sounds like soft singing on the other side of it.

Gripping the knob, I chance a turn and see it’s unlocked. I open the door slowly as I peek inside and glance around the room.

“Pippa?” I call out but don’t see anything. I hear the humming again as I step inside and then realize she’s in the bathroom.

I should turn around and walk out right this second, but I tell myself I’m just checking to make sure she’s okay and letting her know about the storm. Thunder gets louder and then lightning follows it quickly enough to know it’s almost on us.

My feet sink into the plush carpet as I walk slowly towards the bathroom door. It’s slightly ajar and as I get closer I can smell the scent of rose petals. I swallow hard and my heart hammers in my chest as I move even closer to the door.

Steam seeps out of the bathroom and onto me and the scent of fresh roses is making me dizzy. Or is it the anticipation of what I might find on the other side of the door?

Her voice is soft and sweet as she sings, and then I hear the sound of water. I swallow hard and I know that I should turn around, but goddamn it, I can’t. I have to see what’s in there. I have to know.

I peek through the crack and see her bare leg on the edge of the tub as she drags a razor over it. I can’t see her because she’s facing away, but the smooth skin of her leg and the bubbles clinging to it have me bringing my fist to my mouth to cover my groan. Just the tease of what’s between them is almost too much and I have to close my eyes. There’s a pounding in my ears as the thunder hits hard this time and then there’s a loud pop.

With a flash of light, the power goes out and suddenly I’m plunged into darkness.

“Timber!” Pippa screams, and I burst through her bathroom door.

“I’m here,” I call out, but I can’t see a hand in front of my face let alone where she is. I hear water splashing and I feel for the edge of the tub. “I’m right here, Pippa. Follow my voice.”

My hand dips into hot water right before I feel the softness of her slick skin. I wrap my hand around it as I hear her intake of breath.

“What’s happened?” Her words are breathy as I slide my hand up and feel what can only be the swell of her ass. “I-I’m naked. I was in the bath.”

“I can feel that.” My voice is so low it sounds like the thunder outside. “Come closer to me.”

I hold her steady as she steps out of the tub and rain drowns out any other sounds in the room. My now slick hands move over her ass as I pull her against me. I feel her wet body soak my clothes and the heat coming off of her matches my own.

Her hands plant against my chest, and I slide my hands up her waist and to the swells of her breasts. My breathing is coming fast and I know I should stop touching her but I can’t. For so long I’ve wanted this and in the dark it feels like a dream. Like I can do anything I want.

“Timber,” she whispers. I can feel her breath on my lips as I lean closer to her.

“Don’t make me stop,” I say, brushing my lips against her. “Don’t tell me not to.”

She moves her hands to my neck, and to my aching surprise she pulls me down and opens her mouth for me. I don’t hesitate as I delve inside, tasting her tongue against mine. She’s hot all over and my fingers move to her slick nipples as I pinch them slightly. She moans into my mouth and I do it again, feeling the pucker of her tits under my touch.

My mouth moves lower, needing to taste every inch of her as I kiss my way down her neck. I lick a path between her tits before I hold them up and then suck on one of her nipples.

“Oh God!” she cries out just as another crash of thunder fills the room and I keep going.

I get on my knees in front of her and lick a trail down her belly to the warm wet softness between her legs. I can smell her desire mixed with roses, and the scent of her pussy is driving me mad. I put one of her legs over my shoulder and grip her hips, licking between the petals of her sex.