“I don’t think you need a knife.” I take another bite. The meat is so tender you can cut it with your fork, and chef Celia is worth her weight in gold. I have no idea what it costs to have a chef on staff but damn that woman can cook. I’ve probably gained a good five pounds since I moved in but I don’t care. Every bite is worth it and I know I’m never eating this good again.

“I know how to eat,” he grumbles.

I think he wants to sound angry but the words come out like he’s frustrated. Everyone else has this weird fear of Timber and they all jump when he barks or says something. I just smile and shake my head at him. How can anyone be scared of him? He’s this giant bear that I’ve been having one too many dirty dreams about. I’m in full-blown crush mode and I don’t think he has any idea.

He demands we eat every meal together but I’m the one who rattles on with conversation. I barely get anything out of him and he knows almost everything about me. He sits and listens and will randomly ask a question. When I get one it feels like a small victory. God, that sounds so pathetic when I think about it.

“Yes, I agree. You know how to show that steak who’s boss.” I laugh. “At the party you might not want to stab your food. You might scare the guests.”

He stops sawing at his steak to look up at me. It’s the first time he’s looked at me since I sat down at the table with him tonight. Something is off and it feels a little awkward now. Our eyes lock and I see that same look he got when I came out in the last dress. The one he decided was the right choice. My breath catches and I will him to say something.

I’ve caught him watching me over the past few weeks, but I didn’t know if it was him checking out the planning and what was going on or him checking me out. In my head I pretended it was me that kept his attention, but then today with the dress I saw something in his eyes. I was sure of it but brushed it aside because he stomped from the room the second after saying that was the dress. Either he really liked it or he was over the whole dress show. What man wants to watch a woman try on dress after dress? He was probably bored out of his mind even though I thought he enjoyed it.

I wasn’t about to argue with him. The dress fit me perfectly and I felt sexy, yet refined. I’ve never been big on dressing up, but with a gown like that I’m really getting excited for the party.

I completely forgot about having to attend even though Timber told me I was his date. I’ve been in party planning mode and forgot to think about what I’m wearing. I’ve ended up having to plan most of the event on my own, which was not part of the plan when my sister sent me out here. Now she sends me emails and texts but her boss still has her away for work. At least I haven’t had to tell her I’m living here. Who knows how that would go over? It’s been two weeks and I’m still alive and Timber hasn’t so much as touched me. I have to actively make that thought not bum me out.

“I’m not used to people,” he finally says, but he doesn't take his eyes away from mine like he normally does.

“You’ve been pretty good with me.” I wink at him, trying to fight wiggling in my seat under his stare. My whole body is starting to tingle again after it took me ten minutes to get it together after the fashion show.

He opens his mouth to say something then closes it and my heart drops. I must be making things up in my head again. How come I’m so good with other people but with the one person I really want to like me, I can’t get him to crack a smile?

“Or maybe not,” I mutter, dropping my gaze back down to my plate.

“Two more days,” he sighs and I nod.

Yeah. Two more days and I’ll be out of his hair. Will I ever see him again? It’s not as though I’ll run into him since he never leaves the house.

“There’s still so much to do.” I take another bite of my food and go back to idle chat. I ramble on about the party, not wanting the silence to make things weird. It should be easier by now since we always eat together. This should be second nature but something is in the air. There's unease in Timber tonight and I can’t get a read on why.