“Because like I said, this is an opportunity for you, Timber. This is a chance for you to compliment her and let her know that you find her attractive. Give her praise and make her feel special. You don’t have much more time.”

I press my lips together tightly but nod at him in answer.

“I’ll have dinner served in the parlor while she’s trying on clothes. It will be more intimate in there.”

I run my tongue along the edge of my teeth as I think about the word “intimate” in relation to Pippa.

Simon walks to the door, but before he leaves he turns back to me one last time. “Don’t fuck this up.”

I sit there stunned as he walks out without another word. He’s never spoken to me like that before and I don’t understand why he’s doing it now. Maybe he knows just how much this woman has affected me. Or maybe he’s tired of my bad mood.

Either way, he’s right.

Chapter Seven


“I didn’t realize the event was so formal,” I comment as I look down the rows of dresses. Simon clears his throat behind me as he oversees the food being brought in and I remember what he told me. “It will be nice.”

I chance a glance up at Pippa and see her looking at me with wide eyes. “I’m surprised to hear you say that.”

“You’ve done a nice job on the place.” God, how many times am I going to say nice?

The lady who brought in the dresses has another lady helping her. The older woman is in charge and a tall woman with strong arms is carrying most of the clothes. I assume she’s the assistant. The two of them are working to set up the racks of clothes with the accessories on a side table while Simon and a few of the staff arrange the buffet nearby. Pippa and I are meant to look over the dresses then dine in here afterwards to discuss her options.

Why anyone thought that I would be a good choice for this task is beyond me, but I can’t say I would have let anyone else do the job.

“Coming from you I’ll take that as an Oscar-worthy performance.” She smiles at me over her cup of tea, and although I could kick myself for not being nicer to her, the praise warms me inside like I’m the one drinking the hot tea.

“We’ll leave you to it,” Simon says as he checks over the covered dishes and leads the staff out of the room.

The older woman introduces herself as Claire and then steps forward like she’s ready to give a speech. Everything inside of me is screaming for me to hold my hand up and tell her I don’t need the song and dance. I just want her to show us the damn dresses, but Simon’s words about not fucking this up keep ringing in my ear.

“With your gorgeous coloring and curves I’ve selected a few key pieces and one or two rogue options.” She winks at Pippa, who beams up at her, and I’m thankful I’ve kept my mouth shut.

“Thank you so much, I’m really excited.” Pippa does that thing with her lip where she bites on it for just a second then runs her tongue over it.

She does that when she’s eager, and my mind has thought of all the ways she’d do that while underneath me.

“We’ve set up a privacy screen over here.” Claire indicates to a small rack of silky things next to it. “You’ll have to change undergarments depending on the cut of the dress, but for the first one a silk slip will do.”

Images of Pippa covered in expensive silk flood my mind like a waterfall and I want to blurt out that we’ll take everything, but I don’t. I grip the armrests of the chair so hard my knuckles turn white and I remind myself to breathe.

“Perfect.” Pippa gets up and goes behind the partition that separates her naked body from everyone in the room. “Panties might be a nice change since I haven’t had them in so long.”

I don’t know if I’m strong enough to make it through this. All I want right now is to scream for everyone to get out, Hulk smash that thing keeping me from seeing her, and take her to the floor. My cock throbs in time with my heartbeat and I can feel the heat creeping up my neck. Why can’t I control myself around her? Why do I keep my distance when I’m so damn desperate for just a shred of her attention?

“Oh, this is so soft,” I hear her say and I close my eyes.

The wood of the chair groans and I look down to see I’ve put a crack in one of the arms. “Shit.”

Claire looks over at me and I pretend to crouch to cover it up. I have to get it together, but the thought of something against her bare skin that isn’t my hand is making my body uncomfortably tight.