The sun is beating down on me and I feel the sting on my shoulders and back. It doesn’t feel like October because the slight chill in the air isn’t enough to cool me down. I probably shouldn’t have taken off my shirt, but I got so damn hot I soaked through it within seconds of working.

I admit, though, that maybe it has less to do with the temperature outside and more to do with my size. I’m not in the best of shape, but when my parents named me Timber they must have known I’d grow into it. I’m tall and solid like a sequoia with strong arms and legs. I can chop wood and haul lumber all day long, but I’ll never have a six-pack to show for it. I’m heavy when I walk and can’t run a mile, but I can bend a crowbar in half and lift a car if I need to.

“Who is it?” I grumble as I walk over to the nearby trough of water.

Leaning over the huge basin, I use both hands to splash my body and clear the dirt off of me. I scrub my beard, and I’m reminded that I need to give it a trim at some point. I’ve been working on clearing out a section of my land and I’ve been putting it off for too long.

“A young lady by the name of Pippa Michaels.”

I grunt as I splash more water on my chest. The cool air has chilled the water and it feels good. “Don’t know her.” I’ve never heard the name in my life.

Simon lets out a small chuckle like it’s a private joke. “Neither do I, but she was very persuasive, so I’ve asked her to wait in the lounge. I think you should speak to her.”

I grab my worn shirt from the side of the basin and use it to wipe my face and arms before I drag it over the hair of my chest. As I clean myself off I glance over to the windows at the back of the castle that face out to where I’m standing.

The castle has been in my family for hundreds of years, but since my parents died, I’m the last one left and the sole heir. All of my best memories were made in and around these walls even though we only visited during the holidays. I moved up here permanently after they died, and I’ve isolated myself. I don’t like going out in the world and being surrounded by people. I prefer the woods and the quiet escape that the castle brings. I’ve got plenty of staff and security that stay here full time, and even though they usually leave me alone, it’s still almost too many people here with me.

Simon was my parents’ butler and when they died, he asked if he could remain living in the castle and act as my butler. I didn’t know what to do with him at first, but then after a while I realized he did his own thing and only came to me when the staff needed something he couldn’t do for them. I honestly don’t know what I’d do if he left, so I should probably stop acting like an asshole around him.

“Send her away,” I growl. Guess today isn’t the day that’s going to change.

“I believe you might need to do that for yourself.” He steps to the side and I see in the distance a woman on the patio next to the lounge. The large doors that lead onto the patio are behind her and wide open.

“Fuck,” I mutter, shaking the dirt out of my shirt, and begin stomping towards the castle. “Guess a little privacy is just too much to ask for.”

I can almost hear Simon rolling his eyes behind me but I don’t care. Can’t he see I’m busy?

Scowling at the ground in front of me, I make my way towards the house. I’m already coming up with exactly where I’m going to tell this woman to stick it when I look up and come to an abrupt stop.


Her voice is soft and it catches me off guard, and I realize I wasn’t paying attention to the fact that she walked off the patio and across the garden to meet me halfway. Her wavy blond hair cascades over to one side, exposing her bare shoulder on the other. Her thick woolen oversized sweater is swallowing her, and it makes her look so small and slight. But as my eyes move from her neck to her bust and down to her waist, I can only see thick curves hidden under there.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt you.” Her words bring my eyes to hers and it’s then I look into soft brown eyes the color of maple syrup. Without thinking I lick my lips. “I see you’re busy, but I did try calling first.”