I like that I bring that out in him. That he’s different with me. That I can test that control he has.

“Here we go.” I look over my shoulder to see Pam standing there. Cole pulls me from my chair and drags me toward his office. He slams the door behind us and flips the lock. Before I can react he has me on his desk, my dress pulled off over my head. Next my underwear goes flying.

One of his hands goes to my belly as he drops to his knees in front of me, spreading my legs with his broad shoulders.

“Going to remind you who owns this pussy. Who you belong to.”

I bite my lip. Like I could ever forget. I don’t tell him that, though. I just spread my legs and let him spend the next thirty minutes reminding me.



Five years later

I watch my wife waddle around the building we bought three years ago, proud of all she’s done as she talks to Mrs. Lemon. I hold my sleeping daughter, who looks just like her mother with her black hair and green eyes, in my arms as our son runs around putting canned goods away where they belong.

I don’t know how she does it but my wife is a ball of freaking energy. There is no stopping that woman when she puts her mind to something. Not only does she take care of our two little ones and me, but she runs this place all while being pregnant.

She got the idea to open a food pantry when she found out some of the families in the community were struggling. Having gone hungry herself when she was younger, it was driving her crazy that other people in our little town might be going through the same thing she did.

It wasn't long until she came up with the idea to open a food pantry—a place where people could come down and get food. They even pack lunches and after-school snacks for kids. It wasn't long before she was having weekend boxes delivered to the families, wanting to make sure no kid ever went hungry.

It’s grown even more over time. Now she makes sure the kids have proper winter clothing and toys for Christmas. It didn't take much for her to get the pantry started. She was worried what the town would think when they found out about us. The first few months were a little rocky, but over time I think people started to see how much we loved each other and their views began to change.

Catherine came out of her shell, and like I knew people would, they fell in love with her. She’s hard not to love with her sweet innocence. She’ll do anything for anyone and the town loves her for all she’s done. Even Mrs. Lemon loves her and spends most of her days up here helping out. I think she likes my wife more now than she does me.

“You going to let me take these babies tonight?” My ma comes up to stand next to me. She and George got married a few years ago. The kids even call him Papa. I smile at her.

“Yeah, Ma, you can have them tonight.” I like the idea of having my wife to myself tonight. We can be as loud as we want and I plan on making her scream. I’ve been fighting a hard-on all day watching her waddle her sweet ass all over the place.

I hand my daughter over to my mom. “Going to get my wife,” I tell her. I lean down and kiss my daughter on the cheek, then my mom, before heading toward my woman. She’s been here for five hours already and her time is up.

I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her. “Baby,” I whisper in her ear. She turns and twines her arms around my neck. “Time to go. Ma’s taking the kids tonight.”

“Hmm.” She gives me a look that tells me she likes that idea.

“Going to make you dinner and give you a nice long rub down. How are your feet?” I ask her. They always swell when she’s pregnant.

“They’re fine, but I’ll still take my rub.” I lean down and kiss her. “But how about I cook or we pick something up?”

I throw my head back and laugh. “Whatever you want, baby,” I tell her before sweeping her up into my arms and carrying her out to our SUV.

“All I really want is you,” she says, laying her head on my chest.

“No need to want that because I’m never letting you go.”

* * *



Timber Grayson likes living alone in his castle far from people and crowds. So when a company wants to use his place for some corporate party, it’s a flat-out no. That’s until she comes knocking...and suddenly he’s changing his "no people" rule.