I can feel the blood drain from my face. Her gaze goes to the shirt I’m wearing and I watch anger take over her face.

“Yes, I saw him drop you off today and after the little shower incident I drove by your listed address. I saw the foreclosed sign and it’s all boarded up.” She smirks as if she’s happy I don’t have a place to live. “If I were you I’d stay away from the sheriff. If this gets out, that he’s fucking a high school girl, letting her shack up with him, it would ruin him. He’d be run out of town. Lose his position as sheriff.”

A lump lodges in my throat at her words because I know she’s right. He’d never get re-elected if people found out we’re together.

“Besides, you don’t know what to do with a man like Cole Bannon.” She fires her last shot before turning to leave. I stand up, wanting to get out of here, only to bump into Ren.

“Where you off to so fast?” His hands lock on my shoulders, keeping me in place. He licks his lips. “If I’d known giving you a place to stay got between those thighs I would have put you up in my parents’ guest house months ago.” His grip on my shoulders tightens. He starts pushing me backwards until my back hits a wall. I curse myself for picking the back table in the library. No one is around.

“Let me go.” It comes out as a whisper, even though I tried to make it sound forceful.

“Did he take your cherry? I had a thousand dollars on me getting it. Now I’m out that money. But you could make it up to me. I bet he broke you in really good. Did he teach you how to suck a cock?”

A chill runs down my spine and my fear spikes. I try to push against him, but he doesn't move. His mouth goes to my neck and he starts pulling at my clothes. I try to fight him off, but he’s too strong.

I bring my knee up and nail him right in the balls. He drops to his knees. I see a girl standing behind him with a shocked look on her face.

“Are you okay?” she asks. I shake my head and rush out of the library, leaving my stuff behind. I run out of the school, with only one place in my mind. I could go to the police station to find him, but then Coach Snow’s words remind me that me doing that will let everyone know what we are. I know if I walk in to that station he won’t hide what we are. It will be clear to everyone.

I keep moving, headed to his house. I pause when I see the front door is cracked open. A black little sports car is parked in the driveaway. I debate what to do for a moment, but the cold moves me toward the door. I push it open but don’t see anyone. I hear movement toward the master bedroom.

“Cole?” I call out. Maybe the black car is his, one he drives when he isn't driving his cruiser. Though the car doesn't seem his style.

A woman steps out into the hallway. I recognize her from the bank. We only have two in town. I stand frozen as I see she’s only in panties and a bra. “Oh sorry, I thought you were Cole.” Her eyes narrow on me. “What are you doing here?” she adds, snapping at me coldly. I take a step back. I feel like I should be the one asking that question, but instead I turn and run.

Chapter Eleven


I glance down at my phone from my computer screen and see my ma’s name light up. I’m shocked it took her this long to call me. I grab it.

“Ma,” I say easily.

“Don’t you ‘Ma’ me! She’s precious,” she gushes, making me smile. I’ve been doing it all day. I can’t stop. The only thing that has been bothering me is her not wanting to go to school this morning. I saw the dread all over her face. It took everything in me to let her out of the car.

“I know. Why do you think I snatched her up so quickly?” I tell her. “What about you? I see you finally gave in to George.” She huffs a little. Love seems to be in the air this winter. First me, now my mom, oh, and when I walked into the station this morning Pam and Asher were going at it. Clearly their snowed-in night together at the station moved things along. Finally.

I don’t get how people hold back. Both my ma and Asher had been dancing around the people they wanted. With Catherine, there was no dancing around it. I was more like a bulldozer. I’m just thankful she’s eighteen. I don’t know what would have happened if she’d still been seventeen. I push the thought away because deep down I already know.