“What is it?” Gabriel asked. His mother simply shook her head and looked at him firmly.

“Read it and find out.”

Gabriel tore open the envelope even as his mother and brother, helped by the butler, put on their outerwear. What he found inside, he never would have imagined.

Dear son,

I have written this letter over and over all these years and never quite managed to find the words to tell you exactly how I feel. So I shall simply say this. I am sorry. Your mother and I miss you terribly, and we beg for your forgiveness.

We have heard so much of your life in Italy through friends and acquaintances. We’ve heard of your boys and how they grow stronger and healthier every day with the Tatford green eyes. We wish so desperately to see you all and make amends before time runs out.

Please, son, know that we regret all that has happened between us and we wish to fix everything. You and your family will always be welcome here in London.

All my love,

Your father

Harris Tatford, Earl of Sutthers

Gabriel gaped at the letter, unable to believe what he was reading. He read it over and over again until Jonathan saw his face and snatched the paper from him to read it for himself.

The look on Jonathan’s face suggested he felt the very same way, and when he grabbed hold of the envelope still clasped in Gabriel’s hand, the earl didn’t try to stop him. “But this letter was never opened,” Jonathan pointed out and their mother dropped her gaze, shaking her head with a sorrow the like of which Gabriel had never seen before.

“Your father went to his grave never having opened it,” she admitted, looking even more sorrowful when she looked at them with tears in her eyes. “When visiting your grandmother, she told me what was wrong inside, and I have been struggling to decide whether or not to give it to you since returning.”

“I, for one, am glad that you did,” Gabriel said, and he stepped forward to take his mother into his arms once more, squeezing her in the hopes that he could at least give her a little comfort. “And I am sure that father and grandfather have had plenty to say to each other these last few years, for they are surely not entirely gone.”

Jonathan shook his head and added, “I agree. I often feel as though the old man is still watching and judging me.”

The three of them laughed, knowing exactly what that would look like. Gabriel clapped his brother on the shoulder and said, “Yes, well, you have done a lot to be judged for over the years.”

The pointed look that Jonathan gave in return suggested that he had a lot to answer for. Too happy now to be concerned with the past, Gabriel felt a fresh wave of joy at the thought of finally reconciling with the Tatfords who might actually deserve it, those like his grandmother who had been forced into the darkness by his father’s refusal to open a single letter. He made a quick mental note to be sure that in the new year, and perhaps even over Christmas, they made a strong attempt to visit.

“Come or we shall be late for church,” he said, feeling as if a weight had been lifted. Though his father was gone, somehow this letter had brought them all closer.

It wasn’t until they returned home after a rather pleasant mass that they found the authorities awaiting them in the drawing room, having been invited in by the butler. The good news was that Barnaby had been arrested, and the Tatford house was filled with more cheer than it had seen in several years.

Knowing that his cousin had not only been caught but also that he had confessed to everything, with the confession that he had tried to kill them for the title, meant he was absolutely certain there would be no worming his way out of any charges.

He was about to thank the officer in charge and send him on his way to be with his family for Christmas when the man with an overgrown moustache opened his eyes wide and said, “I almost forgot, my lord.”

With that, he reached into his waistcoat pocket and Gabriel saw what was in his palm he could have been knocked over by a feather.

“Father’s pocket watch!” Jonathan exclaimed, even as the officer handed it to Gabriel.

“It has found its rightful owner‌,” the officer said with a smirk, happy to hand it over. “Though it has been logged as evidence due to the engraving, I see no reason as to why it shouldn’t be returned. What with your cousin’s confession and all.”

“Thank you, officer,” Gabriel said, meaning it with all his heart. And just like that, the pocket watch clutched in his hand and the knowledge of what was to come in the future, Gabriel felt as though a fresh page had been turned.


Christmas Day

Having spent most of the morning with his family, opening presents, sharing food, and making general merriment, Gabriel was pleased when he finally managed to break away to visit Julia and her own family. There was something important he had yet to do.

Standing before Viscount Chalmers was perhaps one of the hardest things that he had ever had to do. Though he and the viscount were not connected directly of yet through any business or other such matters, the two had always had a respect for each other from afar, and Gabriel could only hope that would help to influence the man in making his decision when he finally asked in the privacy of the Viscount’s library.

“My lord, would you do me the honour of giving me the blessing for your daughter’s hand in marriage?”