"Madre,there are a few things that Julia and I need to talk to you about," Gabriel announced, and his mother's eyes widened as though she were shocked at how informally he had just spoken about her. Gesturing for Julia to sit, the earl sat next to her on the couch opposite his mother. She eyed them both closely, but said nothing.

“Tonight, we have uncovered the means by which Jonathan and I have found ourselves so ill.”

At that, the lady looked even more surprised. “Well, then?" she demanded, leaning forward in her seat. "Do not keep me waiting to find out."

"Barnaby Tatford shall no longer be welcome in this house or anywhere near this family," Gabriel declared and Julia, hearing the grimness of his voice, reached out to cup his hand in the hopes of comforting him. If his mother noticed, she did not offer any reaction. Instead, she continued to stare at her son, waiting for him to continue.

"He has been plotting this entire time to get rid of the both of us."

"But… but why would he…" Lady Sutthers began, but the way her gaze changed, light dawning upon them, Julia knew she had guessed. "Because then the earldom would pass to him and his father."

Anger began to flare across the Italian woman's face and Julia made a quick mental note never to upset the lady, who would soon be her mother-in-law.

"Yes, that is the most likely of reasons. We suspect he was behind the pick pocketing incident and others too," Gabriel went on, and the lady's expression grew more and more horrified.

"I never should have encouraged your father to bring us back to England after your grandfather passed," Lady Sutthers said, dropping her gaze and shaking her head, a look of utter defeat plastered upon her face.

"Do not say that,madre," Gabriel protested and Julia's heart swelled when he gripped hold of her hand in both of his and added, "If you hadn't, then I wouldn't have met the woman I wish to spend the rest of my life with."

At that, Lady Sutthers’ head shot up, and she looked between the two of them as though she couldn't believe what she had just heard. Glancing down at their entwined hands, she said, "Are you…" yet it appeared she was too shocked to finish.

"Yes,madre, Miss Pritchard and I are to be married."

"Miss Pritchard?" She looked dumbfounded, as though she too had only just learned Julia's true identity, and the viscount's daughter was fearful that his mother might have something to say about the match.

But then Lady Sutthers’ face blew up into a huge smile and she clapped her hands together with delight. "Oh, I never thought I would see the day when both my boys finally tied the knot! Maybe I shall have some grandchildren before too long!"

A lump formed in Julia's throat and she was almost certain that she heard Gabriel gulp hard.

"Let's take things one step at a time, shall we?" The earl smiled at his mother and Julia felt a wave of relief. Though she definitely saw herself having children one day, she liked the thought of getting to enjoy the earl all to herself first.

"Yes, yes, I suppose you're right," Lady Sutthers said, and she sat bolt upright, straightening her skirts. "In the meantime, what is to be done about Barnaby?"

"I have already sent for the authorities to come and speak with a witness," Gabriel explained to his mother, and Julia was pleased that he decided to leave the maid's part in the story out. After having seen the agony the girl had been in at learning the truth of Mr. Tatford's deceit, Julia couldn't help but feel she had already suffered her punishment. She could only begin to imagine how she might feel if the earl had done something like that to her.

"That's good then. I should like to see justice done!" the lady stated, her accent growing thicker in her anger and again Julia was reminded not to get on her bad side.

"It will be,” Gabriel promised, and he squeezed Julia's hand firmly as he turned to her to add, "In the meantime, I should see you safely home so that we can all get some rest."

Chapter 28

The next day was Christmas Eve, and on top of everything else, Gabriel felt his usual apprehension returning, reminded once more that this was the day when they had lost his father all those years ago.

Having already sat with Debbie while she spoke to the authorities and being assured that his cousin would be arrested on charges of a double attempted murder, Gabriel knew he ought to feel much better than he did. Yet even though his life was going much better than he had ever hoped, Christmas Eve still seemed to have the same grim grip on him as it had in previous years.

He could only hope that seeing Julia at the church service they were preparing for that evening would help to lift his spirits before Christmas Day finally arrived.

With a final look in the mirror above the mantelpiece in the hall, Gabriel adjusted his cravat before wrapping his thick woollen scarf around his neck. The sounds of footsteps coming down the staircase close by, along with the hush of voices, told him that Jonathan and his mother were about to join him and he forced a smile upon his face as he turned to meet them at the bottom.

“You can wipe that smile off your face.” Jonathan scowled at him with a roll of his eyes. “We all know you’ve been brooding in your library all day, as always. There is no point in trying to hide it.”

Gabriel cringed at that. Was he so obvious? Clearly he had been, and he knew he needed to make a better effort so as not to bring the rest of the day down for everyone else.

Instead of paying any attention to his brother, he stepped forward and kissed his mother on the cheek. “Sei bellissima madre.” Though she blushed at the way he called her beautiful, she tapped him on the forearm and said, “Save those compliments for your betrothed. They are wasted on me nowadays.”

Gabriel wondered whether Julia would know what he meant if he spoke in Italian to her and he realised that she was a learned woman with her nose in a book at all times. It wasn’t likely she wouldn’t know at least a little. And he was certain she would be pleased to learn if she didn’t. That at least helped to take the edge off his mood.

“Perhaps this will help you both to feel a little better,” she added then and reached into the pocket of her deep green velvet dress. Gabriel raised an eyebrow when she took out an envelope that looked as though it had seen better days.