Gabriel's stomach twisted to read the words, but he held up the letter and raised a brow at his brother to ask, "Was my reading this supposed to convince me?"

Even though he wanted so desperately not to, he couldn't help but admit to himself that it already had.

"Yes, and if we have any hope of recovering from this blasted illness, you will come downstairs. Chelsea and Julia await us in the library."

Gabriel's heart stopped beating at that, but he had to admit that the thought of seeing Julia after all this time did at least seem to ease off some of the cramping in his stomach.

It took Gabriel far longer than he would have liked to get down the stairs and to the library. By the time he did, he was utterly breathless and feeling as though he might well need someone to carry him back up to his bed afterwards. Not that he would ever allow himself to admit that out loud. His stomach was also hurting so badly that he struggled to hold back the nausea.

But the worst thing was stepping into the library itself. It was not the beautiful Christmas decorations that hung all about the place or the roaring fireplace that made him feel uncomfortable. It was the beautiful woman sitting on the couch opposite Jonathan and his betrothed, leaving only two seats left for Gabriel to sit upon. The one beside Miss Pritchard or his own desk chair.

Yet he knew that in his current state there would be no reaching his desk without collapsing and making an utter fool of himself, and so he was forced to take the first option.

Even as he entered, he heard Miss Pritchard and Miss Walker gasp at the sight of him. Having taken only a glance in the looking glass before leaving his room, he knew all too well how bad he looked. Though he had brushed his long dark hair, he hadn't groomed in some time and his beard had begun to grow in, making him look even more pallid with the illness.

Even as Gabriel stumbled across the room, focusing on not falling in his weakened state, his brother explained, "You will have to forgive my brother's state of undress. He is even worse than I, with this dreadful illness."

Gabriel clenched his jaw. He needed no forgiveness for walking around in his robe in his own home while he was ill.

"It is no matter to us so long as you are comfortable, my lord," Miss Pritchard announced, as though she had seen the way his face twisted at his brother's words.

"Yes, well, he could have at least shaved," Jonathan said, adding with a chuckle, "You're beginning to look as common as everybody believes us to be, brother."

"Jonathan!" Miss Walker gasped scoldingly and tapped her betrothed on the knee. "Be kind to your brother."

For the first time in weeks, Gabriel found he actually wanted to laugh. It was good to see his brother being put in his place.

"If I am honest, I rather think it suits you, my lord," Miss Pritchard announced as he settled down beside her, careful to remain a good distance away. After so long avoiding her, it felt utterly odd to be sitting right next to her.

"Thank you," was all he could think to say. Then, knowing it was dangerous to stay in that room for too long, for more reasons than one, Gabriel turned to Miss Walker and asked, "What was the meaning of your letter?"

Miss Pritchard and Miss Walker looked at each other with an uncomfortable look on both of their faces.

"Over the last few days, I have spent much time in the company of your cousin, Mr. Barnaby Tatford," Miss Pritchard explained and for one wild moment, Gabriel's heart stopped, his mind going to terrible places.

Has she come to tell me she has gotten herself another Tatford? Is this some kind of cruel trick?He wondered, his heart aching so painfully that it rivalled his stomach.

"And I have spent a great deal of time here with Jonathan, observing one of your servants," Miss Walker added. She reached out and gripped Jonathan's hand as if she wished for him to know that it was not the only reason she had shared in his company.

What does Barnaby have to do with them watching one of our servants?Gabriel wondered, his troubled mind struggling to follow.

"It has come to our attention that the two of them have entered into some kind of affair and although we believe the girl is quite smitten with your cousin, we also believe she may be doing things to the both of you on his behalf because she believes he feels the same way for her," Miss Walker continued.

"Though Julia has tried her best to get closer to him and learn the truth, it has proven quite difficult."

"What kinds of things do you believe she has been doing?" Jonathan asked, his eyebrow raised. He looked just as suspicious as Gabriel was feeling.

"I have noticed that this servant is often the one to bring you your food and medicine while I am here, and I suspect the same being so for your brother," Miss Walker explained, turning to look at Gabriel for a moment with a sympathetic expression.

"You aren't saying…" Jonathan gasped, his words catching for a moment before he repeated, "You aren't saying that there is someone beneath our roof poisoning us?"

The knowledge of what was being said reached through the haze in Gabriel's foggy mind, and his breath caught in his throat.Could it possibly be?

"Why would either of them plan to do something like that?" Gabriel asked, but there was a niggling in his stomach that was separate from the cramping of his illness. And he guessed why.

Though he did not really need to be told, Miss Walker turned to him once more and looked at him pointedly. "I need not remind you that his father is your uncle, and if anything were to happen to the both of you…"

“Then his father and then he after him would become earl.” Jonathan breathed out the words as though they sucked the air right out of him. The dawning upon his face was painful for Gabriel to see, but not quite as painful as his own realisation.