“Well, first of all, I wanted to congratulate you on the Clean Water Bill,” Speaker Miller said with a broad smile across her face. “I knew you would make it happen. I can’t wait to see it signed into law. It won’t be long.”
“I’m still pinching myself,” Liv said.
“You’re not dreaming,” Speaker Miller said. “You made this happen. Liv, you are going to go far in this town. I can’t wait to see what things are in store for you.”
“Thank you,” Liv said, blushing.
“I did need to talk with you about something else...something sensitive in nature.”
Liv’s stomach dropped. Could Speaker Miller know about her relationship with Will? Was it possible someone saw them in the garden? Ugh...that had been reckless.
Sexy as hell, but incredibly reckless.
“Oh, what is it?” Liv asked, her throat dry. Sweat trickled down her back. Maybe she should just confess everything and get it out in the open?
“I’ve received some unsettling news,” Speaker Miller said.
“Oh, about what?” Liv said, shifting in her seat.Please don’t say me.
“I’ve had a staffer report to me that she had been sexually harassed by a member of Congress...a male member of Congress,” Speaker Miller said.
Liv felt her heart beating in her throat. She was afraid it was so loud that Speaker Miller would hear it.
“What kind of harassment?”
“Unwanted touching, inappropriate comments, that sort of thing.”
Liv breathed a small sigh of relief. Speaker Miller was not talking about her relationship with Will although this sexual harassment situation was certainly unsettling.
“Will there be an investigation? Did she file a complaint?”
“No,” Speaker Miller said, with a sigh. “She didn’t want to file a complaint.”
“Oh...I see.”
“She was afraid, and I don’t blame her. As far as we have come, women are often treated unfairly when they come forward,” she said. “I wish it weren’t the case. She’s afraid people won’t believe her, and she’s afraid it will ruin her career.”
“All valid concerns,” Liv said.
“Yes, unfortunately.”
“I’m not sure what I can do.”
“I was just wondering if you’ve had any problems.”
“No, I haven’t,” Liv said, fidgeting with her hands. Liv’s mind flashed to her conversation at the baseball practice with Representative Ray. It was...weird, but not harassment. She had felt a little uncomfortable, but she was probably just reading into things. Damn, it was Will in her head. She couldn’t think about Representative Ray objectively. He hadn’t said or done anything to warrant a complaint, that was for sure.
“Can you tell me any more information about this man?” Liv asked.
“Unfortunately, I can’t. The woman wouldn’t name him,” Speaker Miller said, rubbing her temples. “Have you heard anything from the other women who work here?”
Speaker Miller nodded.
“Keep your ear to the ground,” she said. “I want to get that bastard out of office and possibly in jail. I have a feeling this woman wasn’t telling me the whole story. I’m afraid it might have gone beyond sexual harassment.”
“Oh, dear,” Liv said. “That’s terrible.”