Page 85 of Dirty Politics

“You’re welcome,” he said. He longed to kiss her goodbye. “Have a good trip.”

“Thanks - I’ll see you around.”

James was sitting onthe front porch with MarryMe when Will arrived back at the cabin.

“Sit with me,” James said.

“Got your watch dog here?” Will said, scratching MarryMe behind the ears. She licked his hand.

“I know,” James said. “I hardly even need the Secret Service with this ferocious beast nearby.”

MarryMe yawned and curled up in a ball at their feet. They sat together in silence, staring at the snowy landscape.

“She makes you happy,” James said. “Is it serious?”


“What did you tell me about Elizabeth - you don’t find someone like that twice?”

“I also said ‘Don’t fuck it up,’” Will said with a laugh.

“And, I almost did,” James said. Will nodded.

“Well, I’m going to give you the same advice,” James said. “Don’t fuck this up.”

“It’s not me,” Will said, leaning his head back. “I would have asked her to move in with me months ago. Hell, I probably would have proposed already, but..”

“But, what?”

“It’s not what she wants,” Will said, letting out a heavy exhale.

“I see.”

“She wants to keep our relationship secret,” Will said.


“She thinks it will make her look bad - like she was sleeping with her boss.”

“But you’re not her boss.”

“But I was.”

“People are always going to talk - especially in Washington.”

“I know...I know, but I have to respect that this is important to her,” Will said. “I just don’t know how long I can go on like this.”

She’s breaking my heart.

James nodded.

“Let’s change the subject,” Will said. “Do you mind talking about work for a minute?”


“You know that prisoner exchange I’ve been working on?” Will said.