“Hey Declan, how’s your Patagonia trip looking?” James asked as he sat down beside Elizabeth.
“Keene has some time off school coming up, and Eli’s breaking away from work,” Declan said. “You want to join?”
“Ha! I don’t think the Secret Service will go for that,” James said. “They don’t exactly love that I come here.”
“Anyone else want to join?” Declan said. “Anyone can come. Will?”
“Don’t think I’ll be able to make it this time,” Will said.
“Anyone up for round two,” Juno said.
They all groaned.
“Can’t hold my liquor like I used to,” Will said.
“Agreed,” Eli added.
“You or me?” Will said.
“Both of us.”
Chapter Thirty-Two
The rest of the holidaywhizzed by. Will wanted to soak in every minute he could with Liv. He loved seeing her with his family and sleeping with her in his arms.
“It was good having you here,” he said while driving her to the airport. “I mean, I’m sorry it happened the way it did, but I’m glad.”
“It was nice meeting your family,” she said.
You fit right in.he thought.
“Liv, can I ask you something?”
“What were your plans before Addy got sick? You had all of those offers right out of law school. Would you have taken them?” Will asked without taking his eyes off the road.