Page 76 of Dirty Politics

Liv had just finished a round of dominoes with Juno, Eli, and Zadie.

“Sure,” she said, walking over to the dining room where they were all displayed.

“Just rank them on this sheet,” Brooklyn said. “We’ll declare a winner after dinner.”

“Woah,” Liv said, looking from house to house. “These are amazing.”

“We go big,” Brooklyn said with a laugh. “I started thinking about my design in July.”

“Is this Downton Abbey? Liv asked, leaning closer to see all the details.


“Oh, my god,” Liv said when she saw the next one. “It’s the Star Wars Death Star. That’s incredible.”

“That’s my favorite,” Brooklyn said. “James always does a traditional one, so the next one is Santa’s village.”

“It’s really good. This castle is amazing too,” Liv said. “I don’t know how I would choose.”

“Brooklyn, they need you in the kitchen,” Will said as he walked into the room. Liv was leaning over admiring the piping on the castle.

“Okay, just make sure you guys keep the door closed or MarryMe will eat all of them and maybe Vivi too,” Brooklyn said, as she walked out and closed the door behind her.

“I didn’t know you guys were professional gingerbread house makers,” Liv said. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”

“We take our Christmas traditions really seriously,” Will said.

“I see that.”

“When James adopted everyone, he wanted to make sure we had a strong sense of family.”

Liv nodded.

“Zadie and I were teenagers, so we took on that responsibility for the younger kids. We didn’t have traditions growing up since we were in a different foster home each year. We wanted to give the rest normalcy and stability...something to be proud of and to look forward to every year.”

“Looks like you succeeded.”

“Is there a front runner?” Will said, gesturing at the gingerbread houses.

“Probably the Death Star,” she said. “I’m blown away.”

“That’s Eli and mine,” he whispered. “You have good taste.”