Page 73 of Dirty Politics

“A little thank you,” Liv said. “I’m just a bit banged up. I’m going to be fine. Thank you all for your help.”

They nodded.

“I guess I should introduce you,” Will said, pouring a cup of coffee and handing it to Liv.

“This is Liv Dalton. You may remember she worked for me,” Will said.

“She’s the Noknok girl,” Keene said. Liv thought she saw Juno elbow him.

“Yes, that’s right. I work in the Speaker’s office now,” Liv said. “I was delivering some papers yesterday to Senator Sterling yesterday and hit some ice on the way in.”

“I’m glad you’re okay,” James said, standing up and extending his hand. “I’m James Sterling, and this is my wife Elizabeth and our daughter Vivienne. Welcome to Christmas.”

Liv took his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I hope I’m not ruining Christmas. I can stay in that room and out of the way.”

James waved his hands; he was bouncing Vivi on his lap. “The more the merrier.”

“Let me introduce you to everyone else,” Will said. “Over here at the barstools are Juno, Keene, and Eli.”

Liv nodded and they waved.

“Zadie is behind you, and Brooklyn is sitting at the table with Declan.”

“It’s nice to meet all of you,” Liv said, trying to conceal that she was trembling.

“I’m guessing your holiday plans were ruined too,” Elizabeth said.

“Oh, my god,” Liv said. “I need to call my parents. They must be so worried. I was supposed to catch a flight last night. Can I borrow a phone? I don’t know where mine is.”

“Take mine,” Will said, handing her the phone.

“Thank you,” she took it, went into the bedroom, and shut the door.

Everyone sat in silence staring at Will.


“So this is the staffer who caused you so much drama?” Zadie said.

“Looks like there’s definitely some drama going on,” Keene said.

“Is that what the kids call it these days?” Eli added.

“Stop,” Will said. “She’s just someone I used to work with.”

No one was buying it.

“Seems like there’s a story here,” James said.

“There’s nothing to tell,” Will said.