Page 66 of Dirty Politics

“He gave me a pretty big social media campaign to run,” Liv said, sipping on her beer.

“First question: What branch of the United States military did John F. Kennedy serve in?” Steph said. “Army?”

“Navy,” Dev answered.

“Yeah - it’s Navy,” Liv agreed.

“You’re hardly ever home,” Ben said. “Between your full-time job and this extra work, when do you ever stop?”

“Not often,” Liv said, looking down at the table. “I’m here with you now, aren’t I?”

“One point for Joey Trivianni, The Brainy Brunch, and Taking Care of Quizness,” the host said.

“Sweet!” Ben said.

“Do you ever see your old boss anymore?” Dev asked. “You were both at the Political Action conference last month, right?”

“I don’t have much reason to see him,” Liv said. “We crossed paths at the conference.”

“Well, thank goodness,” Dev said.

Color rose to Liv’s cheeks.

“Egotistical, self-centered, out of touch, hypocrite.” Dev said.

“Oh,” she said. “Yeah, I guess it’s for the best.”

She’d been ignoring Will’s texts and calls for a week now.

“What about Byron Ray?” Steph said. “He’s super sexy.”

Liv shrugged.

“I’m like the straightest dude, and I think he’s super sexy,” Dev said.

“Well, he’s employing me at the moment, so he’s off limits,” Liv said.

“It’s freelance work,” Ben shrugged.

“Hmmm,” Steph said. “I’d give up a freelance gig to get with that. He’s got that bad boy vibe. It totally does it for me.”

“Me too,” Dev said, with a smile. “And I’m super straight.”

“Are you?” Liv said.

“Yeah, I’m kinda questioning,” Steph said.

“It’s all a spectrum, right?” Dev said.

“Speaking of the spectrum... the next question is what year did the Supreme Court allow same-sex marriage?” Ben said.

“2015,” they all answered together and then laughed.

“What’s everyone doing for Christmas?” Ben asked.

“Back home to New Hampshire,” Steph said.

“I’ve got too much to do, so I’m staying here,” Ben said.