Page 62 of Dirty Politics

“The plan is ruined,” Liv said as she settled into the passenger seat.

“We’d better get out of here fast.”

“That’s the idea.”

When they arrived atthe house, Will had insisted that Liv take a bath while he started dinner. She lingered in the bath, allowing the stress of her job and her problems to melt away as she soaked. When delicious smells began to waft in from the kitchen, her stomach rumbled. She willed herself to leave the cocoon-like comfort of the bathroom, changed quickly, and headed downstairs.

“How can I help?” she said when she walked into the kitchen. “It smells amazing in here.”

“Drink this and keep me company?” Will said, handing her a glass of red wine. She sat at a barstool at the kitchen island. He smiled at her - his eyes studying her.

“I like seeing you like this,” he said while measuring some olive oil.

“Like what?”

“Relaxed. In your sweats, hair wet, no’re really beautiful.”

She blushed. “Are you sure you don’t need a sous chef?”

“I’m almost finished,” he said while mixing a salad dressing. “Perfect timing.”

She smiled. “I’m hungry.”

“Me too.”

They dined on a goat cheese and fig jam crostini, a leaf green salad, and butternut squash ravioli with a browned butter sauce. Liv took a bit of the butternut squash ravioli after she’d dragged it through the sauce. As soon as it hit her tongue, she moaned.

“How did you learn to cook like this?” she asked, licking the sauce from her spoon.

“It’s a hobby,” Will said, smiling as he watched her savor the food.

“Useful hobby.”

“That’s the best kind.”

“It appears that way. These days I’m really impressed with myself when I make a Trader Joe’s frozen meal that isn’t microwaved.”

“No shame in that,” he said with a laugh. “I don’t have time to cook most days either.”

After dinner, they cleaned the kitchen together. Will had flipped on some music and worked side-by-side while silently listening. When they’d dried the last dish, Will grabbed Liv’s hand and pulled her close to him. The song was slow in tempo and romantic. He held her hand, pressed his hand to the small of her back, and rested his cheek on hers.

“Can I have this dance?” he whispered in her ear as they began to sway slowly to the music together. Liv pulled herself closer into him. He kissed her cheek and then her forehead. The song ended and they froze in place, listening to each other's breaths and heartbeats.

She began to slide her hand down from his chest when she reached his pants, he placed his hand over hers.


She looked up at him, startled. “Don’t you want me to?”


“I thought you wanted...I could...”

“That’s not why I asked you here.”

She nodded slowly and took a step back.