Page 44 of Dirty Politics

She rubbed her forehead. “What do you suggest?”

“We are completely booked. There is a conference in town...”

“Yes, yes! I know - I’m here for the conference which is why I booked the hotel months ago.”

“There’s not...”

“Liv, is everything alright?” a voice from behind her said.

Liv froze.

Not him. Not him. Anyone but him.

She turned around to find Senator Sterling behind her. She had taken the job with the Speaker months ago and hadn’t seen him since.

“It’s nothing,” she said, ready to slink off and sleep on the subway.

“Did they lose your reservation?” he said. “I couldn’t help but overhear.”


“I’m sure I can find something at another hotel,” she said, putting her hand on the handle of her luggage.

“No, ma’am,” Sam said. “I’m afraid not - everyone is booked full.”

Thanks, Sam.

“You can stay in my room,” Senator Sterling said. His words came out like a gush of air.

Her entire brain melted for a moment, unable to understand words or form thoughts.


“Stay in my room,” he said. “It’s not a big deal.”

It is a big deal.

“Look - what are you going to do? Sleep on the subway,” he continued while Sam checked him in.

“I’m considering it,” she said. “I hear the subway is pretty comfortable.”

“How about this?” he said. “Just bring your stuff to my room. If you find somewhere else to stay, you can move.”

This is perfectly reasonable and not at all guaranteed to fail.

“I guess I don’t have other options,” she said, following him to the elevator.

Just as the doors to the elevator were closing, a hand stuck between them - opening them again.

“Well, look who it is?” Byron Ray called as he wheeled his luggage onto the elevator. He was catching his breath. “Almost didn’t make it.”

Liv just stared.

“I’m floor 34,” he said to Senator Sterling who pushed the button.

“What floor are you, Liv?” he asked. She felt her color rise as he stared at her.

“Um,” she looked at the number Will had pushed. “35.”