Page 37 of Dirty Politics

“Woah, it’s handwritten,” Liv said.

“I called in a favor,” Senator Sterling whispered, leaning closer to her.

Mr. and Mrs. Dalton gathered behind Addy to read the letter.

“This means so much to us,” Linda said, tears in her eyes.

He smiled; his eyes crinkled softly.

“Why don’t we head to the dining room?” Liv said, breaking the silence.

Liv noticed Will looking at the pictures on the wall - the story of her childhood. Framed memories of dance costumes, family portraits, school pictures, and graduation. She felt a warmth rising from her chest up her neck. She rubbed her neck in an attempt to stop the spread and took a big sip of her ice water.

“We hear you have a big family,” Linda said, spooning mashed potatoes onto plates.

Senator Sterling chuckled. “We are infamous.”

“We know all about your oldest brother, of course,” Linda continued.

“We voted for him,” Bob interjected.

Senator Sterling smiled. “Me too.”

Everyone chuckled.

“Tell us about your other siblings,” Linda said.

“Zadie is the next oldest,” Senator Sterling said, cutting a piece of chicken.

“I’ve seen her on the news,” Bob said.

“Yes, she does a lot of media appearances.”

“My book club read her latest book,” Linda said. “It was about the school system; she’s a great author.”

“She sure is. We’re all very proud of her.”

“She lives in D.C., so we get together for coffee once a week,” he continued. “My other siblings are more spread out. Eli and Declan are both on the West coast.”

“I know about them,” Addy said.

“I’m not surprised,” Senator Sterling said.

“Addy likes to spend most of her free time on that Chitchat App,” Linda said.

“Like a billion other people,” Liv said.

“Yes, Eli’s social media app has completely taken off,” Senator Sterling said. “He has really made a name for himself.”

“Declan is a little mysterious. We aren’t quite sure what all he does,” Liv said.

“Join the club. Surfing, traveling - he has a large following online that’s for sure.”

“Addy is one of those followers,” Bob said.

“Dad!” Addy said, her cheeks flushed.

“Brooklyn, another sister, is a teacher,” he continued, sparing Addy more embarrassment. “She enjoys her privacy.”