Page 29 of Dirty Politics

“I bet.”

“Do you have other siblings besides your sister?” he asked.

“No, it’s just the two of us.

He nodded.

“I’m so sorry she had to go through that.”

“No one should have to,” she said.

The elevator heaved and jerked back into motion. Will quickly stood up and helped Liv to her feet. He took two large steps away from her.

When the elevator came to the bottom floor, Liv rushed off. She leaned over at the waist and put her hands on her knees; breathing deeply.

“Are you okay now?” he said, standing about six feet away from her.

“Yes,” she said, standing up straight. “Happy to be on solid ground.”

He stood completely still; arms plastered to his side.

“I’m this way,” she said. Embarrassment that she’d freaked out in front of her boss crept over her. She couldn’t leave fast enough. “See you tomorrow.”

He nodded and watched her walk away.

After she was out of sight, he raked his hands through his hair.

She is off limits. Nothing can happen between us. I’m her fucking boss. Nothing can happen.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, his mind flashing to that soft piece of hair dangling in front of her face.

I’m screwed.

Chapter Fourteen

Will woke up in a coldsweat. He groaned remembering his dream. It had been a pleasant dream, more than pleasant. Too pleasant.