Page 21 of Dirty Politics

She closed her eyes for a second.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

He walked up to the plate, and he looked her squarely in the eye. She didn’t flinch.

She threw the ball. As it sailed toward Senator Sterling, he took a swing.

“Strike one.”

He looked at her in disbelief.

“I didn’t know you were such an athlete,” he called.

“Played all four years of college,” she said with a smirk.

She threw her next pitch. Another swing and miss.

“Strike Two.”

Should she go easy on him? Embarrassing her boss in front of all of his colleagues seemed like a bad idea, but she was so damn competitive.

She couldn’t help herself. Her third pitch was her best yet.

Healmosthit it.

“Strike Three.”

“Oh, Sterling,” Byron called. “Served by your own staffer. Ouch.”

Will just grimaced.

Next to bat was Senator Collinsworth who was approximately eighty-five years old. Liv took it easy.Don’t want to kill anyone and start a national incident.


“Nice game,” Byron said, giving her a high five. They’d won easily. “I’m impressed.”

“Thanks,” Liv said. “It’s been a while.”

“Doesn’t look like your boss is too happy,” Byron said, leaning in so he could whisper.

She glanced over; and, sure enough, Senator Sterling was shooting death stares at her.

“It’s just a game,” she said with a shrug.God, I hope that’s true.