Page 124 of Dirty Politics

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Look for other Windsor Rowse stories on Amazon.

Strangers in the Queue(Stand Alone Novella)

The Week Before Christmas(Sterling Series Holiday Novella)

The Presidential Proposal(Sterling Book 1 – James' story)

Zadie’s Bodyguard(Sterling Book 3) Coming Soon

Sneak Peek (Zadie’s Body Guard)

Chapter One

“James, what the hell?” Zadie said as she burst through the door into the Oval Office.

“Zadie?” James said, standing up.

She walked towards him, continuing, “You heard me...what the hell? When were you going to tell me?”

“Zadie...” James fumbled; his face flushed.

He was standing behind the Resolute Desk, and she was standing in front of him with her hands on her hips.

“Full-time security?”


“A bodyguard? Are you kidding me?” she said, her eyes blazing. “We’d agreed when you decided to run for President that security would betemporary. James, this won’t work. You know I like my privacy. Ineedmy privacy.”

“I know, but Zadie...”

“What if I want to bring a man home, James? What if I want to meet someone on Tinder and want to fuck him in every room of my house? Is my bodyguard supposed to watch? Join in?”

James’ face turned from pink to bright red, and his eyes flickered to something behind her.

Zadie slowly turned around to see the Vice President, Secretary of State, and Defense Secretary sitting on the couches, looking painfully uncomfortable. Secretary of State Zimmerman stared at the rug while Defense Secretary Melville picked some invisible lint off her jacket.

“Zadie,” James said, clearing his throat. “We aren’t alone.”

“Vice President,” she said, giving a nod. “Secretary of State, Defense Secretary, pleasure to see you.”

Vice President Dixon stood and the other two followed. “I think we were finished here anyway,” he said, inching toward the door. “Good to see you, Zadie. President Sterling.”

She nodded, sweat rolling down her back.

James and Zadie watched them leave.

“James,” Zadie said, once they’d left. “Why didn’t you tell me we had an audience?”