Page 105 of Dirty Politics

Chapter Forty-Two

“Do you think he’s coming?” Liv said, checking her phone.

“I’ve texted him several times,” Ben said.

“Me too. He hasn’t written back,” Liv said, checking her phone again.

“He never misses Smarty Pints,” Steph said.

“I know. This is weird,” Ben said. “I would think he would at least text us to know he’s not coming or running late.”

“I’m worried,” Liv said.

“He probably just got caught up in some brief he’s working on and lost track of time,” Ben said.

Liv tapped her fingers on the table - something was off.

Just then, the door opened and Dev burst into the room.

“Liv,” he said. “I’ve got to talk with you.”

“Ok,” she said. “What’s up?”

“In private,” he said. “Can we talk outside?”

“Sure,” she said, following him outside.

“What’s up?” she said. They were standing in an alley.

“I hate to tell you this, Liv.”

“What is it?”

“The Clean Water Bill is dead.”

“What? That’s not possible. We’ve just finished it. We have the votes in the House, and we have the votes in the Senate. The President is not going to veto it. It’s happening.”

“It’s not.”

She put her hands on her hips.

“Dev, you aren’t making any sense.”

He sighed.

“You were right about Senator Sterling.”

“Senator Sterling...what...what do you mean?”

“He sold you out.”

“I...I don’t understand,” she said. “That’s not possible.”