Page 11 of Dirty Politics

Chapter Six

“Dev,” Liv said, ashe sat down beside her at the Olde Town Tavern. “You’re here.”

“Where else would I be?” he said with a warm smile. “I wouldn’t miss Smarty Pints Trivia Night. What would my team do without me?”

“We’d be lost.”

“We got matching shirts,” Ben said, throwing a shirt at Dev.

“Taking Care of Quizness - nice,” Dev said, reading the shirt before pulling it on.

“We have a winning streak to protect,” Steph said, setting down four beers on their table.

“I’ll drink to that,” Liv said, taking a sip of her beer.

“I think we should drink to Liv’s new job,” Ben said.

“What? What new job?” Dev said, looking at Liv with wide eyes.

“Oh, it’s just...” Liv started.

“She got a job in William Sterling’s office,” Steph said.

“Liv,” Dev said. “That’s amazing”

“I don’t know if it’s as impressive as clerking for a Supreme Court Justice,” Liv responded.

Liv and Dev graduated from Harvard Law the same year. They’d met the first day of class, and had been best friends since then.

“Oh, come on,” Dev said. “William Sterling is arguably the most powerful Senator right now. This is amazing. Liv, I’m so excited for you.”

She tried to suppress a smile. “I’m just trying to get the Clean Water Bill passed.”

“I have no doubts that you will,” Dev said.

“Shh...” Steph said. “First question: What was the first American state?”

“Delaware,” Dev and Liv said together.

“Liv has a little problem though,” Steph said, her eyes twinkling.

“What’s that?” Dev asked.

“She hates Senator Sterling.”.

“Mortal enemies,” Ben added with a big smile.