Page 95 of Dirty Politics


“Senator Blackwell,”Speaker Miller said. “I’d like to introduce you to my Chief of Staff, Liv Dalton.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Liv said, shaking her hand firmly. Her legs were shaking, but she was forcing herself to maintain eye contact and steady her voice.


“Liv would like to speak to you a moment about the Clean Water Bill. Do you have time?”


“I’ll leave the two of you,” Speaker Miller said as she slipped away.

“Senator Blackwell,” Liv said, her voice stronger than she’d expected. “I’m sure you’ve seenThe Timesreport about BV90.”

“I have.”

Liv nodded.

“My community,” she said, her hands trembling. She placed them behind her back. “My small American town has been devastated by this chemical. When the factory moved in and started using BV90, our cancer rates soared.”

Senator Blackwell nodded, but her eyes glanced around the room.

Damn it - she doesn’t care.

“My sister was diagnosed with cancer when she was just ten years old,” Liv said, staring the Senator directly in the eye.

“I’m sorry,” Senator Blackwell said, her interest piqued.

“My parents struggled to work and take care of her,” Liv said. “I moved back home - putting my career on hold after law school. Do you have children?”

“I do.”

“Can you imagine taking them to chemotherapy, shaving their heads, comforting them while they throw up?” Liv said, her eyes glistening. “My sister should have been camping with her girls' club troop, swimming with her friends, and riding her bike around the neighborhood. Instead, she was stuck inside too weak and sick to do anything. It robbed her of those years - it robbed all of us.”

Senator Blackwell didn’t answer.

“It’s happening all around the country.”

Senator Blackwell nodded.

“How many votes do you have?” she finally asked.

“We just need one more,” Liv said.

“You have it.”