Page 82 of Dirty Politics

“Alexander Graham Bell,” Liv shouted.


Liv watched Will and James spin around and jump to new pieces of furniture. They were both a little wobbly on their feet.

“James, hum a tune,” Elizabeth said.

James began to hum.

“Oh, I know it,” Will said. “Oh, Canada?”

“That’s a weird tune for the American President,” Juno said.

James shrugged, lifted his drink to his lips, and took a sip.

“Next question - which president won re-election with the widest popular vote margin in history?”

“It will be James Sterling,” Will said. They all cheered. “In the past, I’m going to say, Ronald Reagan?”

“Wrong!” Elizabeth shouted. “LBJ!”

“I would have gotten that wrong too,” Liv whispered.

Will spun around. He was far from the next piece of furniture; he leaped forward but couldn’t quite make it.

“Oh, you had a good run,” Eli said, patting his brother on the back.

“Then there were two,” James said with a smile.

“Indeed,” Liv said. She started humming.

“Hmmm...” James said.“Oh, Christmas Tree.”

“Yes,” Liv said, taking a sip of her drink.

“Next question: Who was the first president to have a rescue dog in the White House?”

Liv closed her eyes. She wobbled a bit.

“George W. Bush?”

“That is not correct,” Elizabeth said. “Joe Biden is the correct answer.”

“Damn it!” Liv said. She spun around and jumped toward the ottoman but missed.

“James is the winner!” Elizabeth said. “Congratulations.”

“Do I get a kiss from the judge?” he asked, walking over to her.

“Only seems fair,” she said, kissing him.

“Gross,” Declan said.

“Get a room,” Brooklyn added.

“That was fun,” Liv said. “And weird.”

“Accurate,” Keene said.