Page 81 of Dirty Politics

“Got it,” Liv said.

“If you get a question right, the other team has to hum a tune,” Brooklyn said.


“Like name that tune,” Will said.

“I see.”

“If you get the tune right, the other team drinks,” Juno said, handing Liv her drink. “If you get it wrong, you drink.”

“Ok,” Liv said, taking her drink. “Anything else I need to know?”

“There are a few surprises along the way,” Will said. “Let’s start.”

“OK: First question...which president also served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?” Elizabeth said. She was sitting on the couch snuggled under a blanket. “Keene, you’re up first.”

“Taft!” Keene said.

Liv nodded in agreement.

Eli started humming a tune.

“Gosh,” Liv said, quietly. “Sounds likeBaby Got Back.”

Will broke out in giggles. “No, it reallydoesn’t.”

“Oh, I know...I know!” Brooklyn said. “It’sSmells like Teen Spirit.”

“Correct,” Eli said, he raised his glass to his lips and drank.

“Next question: This is for Declan,” Elizabeth said. “Which president was known as the little magician?”

“Bill Clinton,” Declan said. They all burst out laughing.

“NO!” Elizabeth said. “Martin Van Buren. Jump to a new spot.”

Declan jumped from his chair over to the ottoman with Brooklyn.

“How do you win?” Liv whispered to Will.

“Be the last man or woman standing,” he said. “You’re out if you fall in the lava.”

“Oh, I see.”

“It gets harder after a few drinks.”

She smiled.

“Speaking of which...drink up,” Will said. They both took a sip of their drinks.

After two hours, the only players left were Will, James, and Liv.

“We need to do different trivia next time,” Juno said. “They know too much about the Presidents.”

“Ok,” Elizabeth said. “It’s time for the lightning round. Anyone can answer the question. If you get it right, you stay in place. If you lose, you have to spin around and jump two times. The other players have to spin around and jump twice if you get the answer right. Humming and drinking rules still apply.”

“Which inventor tried to save William McKinley’s life after he was shot?” Elizabeth read.