Page 64 of Dirty Politics

Chapter Twenty-Six

Liv spotted Byron Raydown the hallway and hurried to catch up with him.

“Representative Ray?” she called.

He stopped and turned. His face lit up when he saw her.

“Liv! How are you?”

“I’m well, thank you,” she said, breathing heavily. “I wanted to let you know I emailed the proposal for the social media campaign. I just need you to look it over and give me your feedback.”

“Perfect, perfect,” he said, staring her directly in the eye.

“How about we set up a meeting after the holiday?” he said. “You can swing by my office, and we’ll get it hashed out.”

“Great. I’m looking forward to it,” she said.

He leaned in and squeezed her bicep. “I’m so glad you're working with us.”

She smiled.

As he walked away, something caught the corner of her eye - Will waiting in the doorway across the hall: his face grim.

“Hi,” she said, walking over to him.

“Can I talk with you?” he said, motioning for her to come into the empty conference room behind him.

“Sure,” she said. They slipped into the room, and he closed the door behind them. She hadn’t seen him since they’d gone away together about a week prior.

“What was that?”

“What was what?”

“You and Representative Ray?”

“I’m doing a project for him. You knew that,” she said, frowning.

“The two of you seem awfully friendly.”

“Is that right?” she said, hands on her hips.

He nodded.

“I can’t believe you are acting this jealous,” she said, her eyes narrowing.

“Jealous?” he said with a huff.

“What would you call it?”

“Concern. I don’t...”

“You don’t like me working with other men?”