Page 47 of Dirty Politics

Now it was Liv’s turn to scowl.

“Mr. Quizness?”

“Oh, Dev,” Liv said, letting out a laugh. “No, no. That’s strictly platonic.”


Neither of them said another word as she carried her things to the bathroom. She let out a deep sigh as soon as she closed the bathroom door.

This is going to be a long night.She thought as she reached to the back of her dress to her zipper. She tugged it, but it didn’t move.

No. No. No.

She tugged a bit harder. No luck. The zipper didn’t budge.

You’ve got to be kidding me. Why?

She tried contorting herself into all kinds of positions, but the zipper would not move. She closed her eyes.

Damn it. This is actually happening.

She walked back into the living room, barefoot. He looked up at her.

“I have a problem,” she said, her voice wavering. “My dress.”

He stood up.

“The zipper...” a wave of nausea rolled over her.

He blinked several times.

“My zipper is stuck,” she said, wishing she was anywhere, literally, anywhere but here. The subway was sounding pretty great.

He swallowed hard. She noticed his jaw clench.

“I see,” he said, stepping toward her.

She turned around. He stepped closer to her - so close she could feel his breathing on her neck.

He took his hand and gently brushed her hair to one side sending a shiver down her body. She hoped he hadn’t noticed.

He began to tug at the zipper.

“I think it is caught in the fabric,” he said, as he tugged.

She thought she might die.

“Maybe if I just...” he said as he slid his hand inside the fabric of the back of her dress. All of the muscles in her body tensed. She felt his hand trying to pull at the zipper from the inside.

“Damn it.” he said. “Thought I had it. Let me try...”

She stared at her toes and bit her lip.

“I don’t think it’s going to budge,” he said after a few minutes.

Her shoulders slumped slightly.

“We are going to have to cut it off,” he said as he exhaled loudly.