Page 110 of Dirty Politics

“Welcome to Patagonia,” Eli said.

“Thanks,” Will said. As soon as Liv had left his apartment, he’d contacted Declan to let them know he was going to join them. He had to get out of town. There was so much he wanted to say to Liv, but he couldn’t...not right now.

“I’ll get your bags,” Keene said. “You can take the front seat.”

“Why the change of heart?” Eli said after they were all piled in the Land Rover.

“I had to get out of town.”

“Was it the girl?” Declan said.

Will didn’t answer.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Declan said.

Will sighed. “I need a break.”

“That’s right,” Declan said. “We’re going to help you forget your troubles - girl troubles and otherwise.”

“For sure,” Eli said. “By the end of this week, you won’t even remember her name.”

Will scoffed.Impossible.

“Here’s home base,” Declan said, pulling up to a beautiful mansion.

“I thought you were sleeping outside on the hard ground every night under the stars,” Will said, climbing out of the jeep.

“Shh...” Keene said. “We have a reputation to keep up.”

“Come inside,” Declan said, grabbing Will’s bag. “We’ll make you a drink.”

“Damn, guys,” Declansaid. “Look at this.”

“Woah,” Keene said, coming behind Declan up the trail.

“This is amazing,” Eli said, catching his breath. “Will, you still with us?”

“Yes, I’m just speechless,” Will said, setting his backpack down. “I literally don’t have words.”

“It’s a waterfall coming out of a fucking glacier,” Eli said. “I can’t even believe this is real. Declan, I’m so glad you convinced us to come.”

“Yeah, man,” Declan said. “You’ve got to live your life, right?”

“How many miles have we gone?” Keene said.

“Seventeen to get up here,” Will said, checking his watch.

“Let’s enjoy the view for a minute,” Declan said, sitting down on a rock. He pulled his water bottle out of his backpack.

“Anyone want trail mix?” Keene asked as he passed the bag around.

“Have you forgotten your girl problems yet?” Declan said, looking at Will.

“Until you just brought it up,” Will said. “Thanks.”

“Do you think you’ll be able to work it out?” Keene said. “I liked her. It seemed like you liked her.”