Page 108 of Dirty Politics

Chapter Forty-Four

“Liv, we brought youpho,” Steph called from outside her bedroom door.

“You have to eat something,” Ben said.

“You haven’t come out of your room in days,” Steph said. “We’re worried.”

“This soup smells amazing,” Ben said. “And we have chocolate chip cookies.”

Liv opened the door. She hadn’t stopped crying in days - her eyes were puffy; her skin pale.

The bill was dead; Will was dead to her. What was the point?

“I can’t eat,” she said.

“You should try,” Ben said.

“You got the votes once,” Steph said. “You’ll be able to do it again.”

Liv sighed.

“I can’t believe that Sterling betrayed you like that,” Ben said. “You were right about him all along. What a dick.”

“Major dick,” Steph added.

Liv started sobbing.

“I...I was...”

“What? You always knew he was a dick.”




“Yes...yes. I did at first,” Liv said, wiping her eyes. “But then...I...we...we were...together.”

Steph and Ben stared at her silently.

“Wait,” Steph said after a moment. “Are you saying that you and Senator Sterling were...together... together?”

Liv nodded.

“Like intimately?” Ben said.

“How else, Ben?” Steph said, rolling her eyes.

“While you worked for him?”