And alcohol.
There was definitely an excessive amount of alcohol in both our systems that night.
“You heard the lady.” I offer her a smile that screams fake. “We can find a compromise.”
In hell.
While she’s riding my face under a volcano waterfall.
I pause again, my fingers tightening on the cup. That’s the second erotic thought I’ve had about the witch in the span of an hour.
What the fuck am I? An animal in heat?
She smiles back, mirroring my dishonest one, and I can almost see the venom spilling on the ground in a splash of black. “Of course we can.”
It’s on.
Looks like I’m in for a fucking ride.
Iswing my car door open, then slam it shut until the loud sound ricochets through the silence of the parking lot.
It’s old, grim, and has potholes the size of Central Park in the asphalt. But the most unfortunate thing about this place is the man who stands in the middle of it in his signature dashing black suit.
I’m starting to think he never looks less than perfect, as if he were born with the sole purpose of intimidating humans.
Kingsley strokes the handle of the door of his car—a special edition Audi—like it’s an old lover.
At the sound of the slamming, a small translation of my temper, his lips tilt in that infuriatingly gorgeous smile. “Any objections, witch?”
Disregarding my constant need to remain calm, I fully face him with a hand hiked on my hip. “I get you’ve been interfering in my business and actively trying to kick me out of W&S in order to get me out of Gwen’s life, which will not be happening, by the way. And while you’re a goddamn asshole, you’re not an idiot. So why the hell would you get your prim and proper hands dirty with the freaking mafia?”
“Is that worry I hear in your venomous tone? I’d be touched if I had any fucks to give.”
“You could be hanging from a frozen mountain by your dick and the only thing I’d do is bring out the popcorn while I watch. So no, worry is the last emotion I’d feel for you.”
He dips his brows in mock reaction. “Sounds painful.”
“It looks painful, too, in my head.”
“Didn’t know my dick had a personalized section in your head.”
“All dedicated to torture. The extreme type.”
“Seems kinky.”
“Guess you’ll never know.” I flip my hair to suppress a smile. I’m supposed to be mad at this jerk, and I am, but at the same time, I can’t resist gravitating toward bantering whenever I’m with him.
He brings out the worst, the twisted, and the fucked up in me.
All at the same time.
Which means I should stay away from him. Especially after his audacious move last night, a touch that I couldn’t banish from my head even as I plotted and pinned names and pictures on my whiteboard à la serial killers.
But then he had to show up out of nowhere right by Nicolo’s side with the nonchalance of a psychopath.