“Reducing the budget of the immigration department means we’ll take on fewer pro bono cases, and that doesn’t play into the firm’s future vision, not to mention it’s a downright capitalist approach,” I tell Kingsley, getting in his face.

At some point, I left my seat at the conference table and we’re both standing toe to toe.

“Capitalism plays little to no role in my attempts to eliminate frauds and wasting time our associate attorneys can use to tackle other important cases.”

“Such as what? Let me guess, corporate? Aka the arm of your beloved capitalism.”

“Criminal, Ms. Leblanc. The prisons are full and we need more lawyers there instead of fighting useless battles with ICE.”

“They’re not useless if we save someone from being deported from US soil to a country that discriminates against them.”

“I will not dedicate a budget that can get five-plus wrongfully convicted people out of jail with mere hope to save one person.”

“We’ll not see eye to eye on this matter, so I guess we’ll have to vote.”

“Who will vote? You and your alter ego?”

“The board, of course. If you’re against lowering the immigration department’s budget, raise your hand.” I do so first, then cast a glance to see who’s on my side.

Only empty chairs are in sight. “Where is…everyone?”

“They obviously left in the middle of our heated argument.”

I face Kingsley, who looks dashing in his dark suit, like a devil lord fresh out of hell. A small smile tilts his lips as he watches me with that gleam that I recognize so well.

My hand drops to my side. “I can’t believe Nate left, too.”

“He led the crowd out, pointing at his watch because, apparently, the meeting ran longer than it should.”

“Whatever.” I flip my hair. “We’re going to have a vote about this during the next board meeting, and I will win, asshole.”

“Don’t act butthurt when you lose, sweetheart.”

“Screw you.”

His hand shoots for me before I can consider escaping and wraps possessively around my waist. He effortlessly lifts me up and sits me on the conference table, then barges between my legs, parting them as wide as possible.

“Don’t tempt me.”

A shock of excitement rushes through me, then pools between my thighs. No clue if it’s because we finally got together or because we missed so many years in the process, but we’re always desperate for each other.

Sometimes even the moment we stop touching.

It’s the best type of addiction I’ve ever had. Better than alcohol, better than success.

He’s my favorite drug.

I honestly don’t know how the hell I survived during the “illegal ban” that Kingsley doesn’t want to be reminded of ever again.

He said he’ll tell stories about it to his Grim Reaper.

It doesn’t help that we’re still at each other’s throats at the firm. We’re definitely not the lovey-dovey couple, and won’t sugarcoat shit for each other.

One thing’s for sure, we have each other’s backs and obviously want each other to the point of madness.