Aspen, however, seems to have taken it all too seriously, because she gets up, her legs shaking as if attempting to go after Gwen.
I grab her by the waist, then sit her back down. She glares at me over her shoulder. “I thought we weren’t friends. Let go of me.”
“That’s true. We’re not friends, sweetheart. You’re my fucking woman.”
I swear she blushes like a curious case of tomatoes before she lowers her head and clears her throat. “Gwen must hate us.”
“No, she was just caught up in the heat of the moment. She’ll calm down after she tells Nate all about it and he’s the one who will be argumentative on her behalf. The downside is that he’s way less emotional than her, which is harder to deal with.”
She groans, hiding her face in my chest. “I don’t want to lose her.”
“You won’t. She likes you.”
Her eyes explode in a myriad of colors as she stares up at me. “Really?”
“Yeah. And she’s the forgiving type. No clue where she got that from.”
“Definitely not from you.”
“Or you.”
She smiles, then it soon drops and she attempts to pull away.
“Where do you think you’re going, sweetheart?”
“Home. I think we’ve caused enough damage for one night.”
“Fuck no. The damage has already been done.” I grab her chin with two fingers and tilt it up. “Besides, you hate being alone on a night like this, right?”
Her breathing shatters, “How can you even think about sex in a situation like this?”
“I think about sex in every situation when it comes to you, so I fail to see where the surprise is in that.”
“Will you ever get enough?”
“Will you?”
She hesitates but doesn’t answer, and I don’t allow her to when I seal my lips to hers and finish what Gwen interrupted.
* * *
Contrary to what I expected,Gwen is putting up a fight.
It’s been a week since she walked in on our foreplay, and she’s been playing hard to get with the both of us ever since.
As I did expect, however, Nate was the person she spilled her heart to, and he came over with a metaphorical cape and a cardboard knighthood to act as her representative.
Aspen tried to explain, channeling her inner diplomat. I flat out told him I have nothing to explain to him, of all people, when he had sex with my daughter while I was sleeping.
He called me a motherfucking idiot, Aspen glared at me, and then they attempted to leave together to pick up their logical—also spelledboring—conversation. Which I didn’t allow, of course.
I don’t give a fuck that they’re just friends. Nate is still the only man she’s close to, and at some point, I believed they were fuck buddies.
The only reason I wasn’t sure if they were indeed sexual partners is due to the fact that Nate used to discard the women he slept with as if they were used tissues.
Still, a part of me thought maybe Aspen was special enough that he kept a friendship with her.
That thought left a burning fire in my chest. I’m as self-deprecating as a presidential candidate. The only times I would do it is when it’s fake.