“Not tonight, Gwen.”
“Whatever. I’m going to make dinner for Nate instead and you’re going to regret not accepting my company.”
“I’ll live.”
“In a boring way.” I catch a glimpse of her reaching over the counter to slap a noisy kiss on his cheek, and I shrink farther into my hideout. “Love you, Dad.”
His stance and expression soften. “Love you, too, Angel.”
I release a breath when her humming and steps disappear, but I remain hidden for a bit longer, just in case.
“Are you campaigning for a second round of sucking my cock?” Kingsley smirks down at me with his otherworldly arrogance.
“As if. I can’t believe you came down my throat while our daughter was so close.” I pause at how I called her our daughter.Shit.I need to get it together because I’m starting to believe inourthings.
Jeez. This isn’t what I signed up for.
“I wasn’t going to let her cock-block me again. Or else I’m going to cock-block her husband worse than I’ve been doing thus far.”
“You’re awful.” I start to get up and lose balance due to my numb feet.
I fall against Kingsley’s chest and he grabs me by the waist and sets me on the counter, then unapologetically gets between my legs, hiking my skirt to my waist.
He unbuttons my shirt and forcibly pulls it down my arms and throws it on the floor. The bra follows until I’m half-naked and so ready for his ravaging that it’s a little scary.
“Pity.” He wipes my mouth with his thumb, gathering the cum that remains there, then slides it between my lips. “You looked good on your knees.”
“You’re the only man I would get on my knees for.”
His eyes darken and his grip turns possessive like nothing I’ve witnessed before. And for some reason, my mouth goes dry.
“And you won’t get on your knees for anyone else in the future,” he announces out of nowhere.
“What do you mean—” My words are interrupted by a rush of footsteps.
“Dad! It is Aspen’s car. It has the same plate—Holy shit!”
Kingsley and I stare at each other with “holy shit” expressions, too.
I bury my face in his torso to hide my nakedness as all hell breaks loose.
Being accountable to anyone on this whole planet is off the table and not up for negotiation.
But there’s one person whose life has been so intertwined with mine that it’s impossible not to feel some sort of responsibility toward her. The one person who basically grew up with me and has been there during all the monumental moments of my life.
My moving out of my father’s house. My college years. Law school. Passing the bar. Starting Weaver & Shaw. My father’s death.
And eventually, finally finding her mother.