My chest quakes from the haunting force of Gwen’s sadness, and I continue stroking her shoulder to try and stay calm.
To try to delude my brain into thinking that Aspen will be fine.
“I just found her, too, and I won’t let her go that easily. She’ll come out of this.”
“Promise?” Gwen stares up at me with eyes that flood with tears.
“Promise, Angel.”
The door slides open and both of us spring to our feet as the doctor steps out, removing his cap.
“How is my mom?” Gwen asks in a quivering voice.
“She’s stable now, but we won’t know until she wakes up and we run more tests.”
My daughter staggers against my side as the doctor tells us about her head injury that’s not critical and the tests they’ll be running.
By the time he leaves, Nate arrives. I called him so he could take Gwen home. She’s had too much stress for one day and can barely stay on her feet.
“Nate.” She throws herself in his arms. “Mom is hurt and she’s not waking up.”
He wraps a protective arm around her and looks at me over her head. Probably thinking the same as me.
Since when does she call Aspen Mom?
Now, apparently, because she’s only ever addressed her as such today.
“Take her home. She’s exhausted,” I tell him, not sure how the fuck I even sound normal.
“I want to stay,” she protests, staring at me.
“Go change and get some rest, then come back, Angel. You don’t want her to see you looking like a survivor from a horror movie, do you?”
“No,” she grumbles.
“Will you be okay?” It’s Nate who asks.
I release a vague sound and wave him away.
Three minutes later, they’re gone and I’m breathing heavily, bracing a hand on the wall. I just need to get it together for when she wakes up.
And she will fucking wake up.
“The cleanup is done. No police business will be happening.”
I stagger from the wall to find the source of the voice. Nicolo stands in his usual nonchalant stance, a hand in his pocket. His three-piece suit he wore earlier is still pressed and clean with no dirt or blood on it.
“What are you doing here?” I stand to my full height, facing him.
“Thought I would deliver the good news myself. You won’t have to deal with Bruno’s body, blood, or the questions the police could ask. As for the redhead, I’m sure she’ll survive.”
“Yes, she will, and when she does, you’ll release her from your dirty business.”
“We had a deal, King. My protection for her services.”
“A sloppy protection that put her in fucking danger. Either you release her or you can kiss my billions goodbye.”
He raises a brow. “You would put that much money on the table for her?”