
“No, no.” He wraps an arm around my shoulder. “You’re not getting away with “because.” I need reasons, reports, and maybe a medical checkup to verify that you’re not suffering from mental damage so that I can determine whether or not you should revise your will. Tell me the truth, are you dying? Oh, maybe you fell victim to black magic; that would explain why you’re not acting normal.”

“I am fucking normal.” I push his hand away and go to sit behind my desk.

“No, you’re not. Let me think.” He makes a dramatic scene of tapping his forefinger against his lip. “Are you acting this way because of the liar?”

“What if I am?”

“You really want to take her on solo?”

“I do.”

“But I’m the best wingman. You know that.”

“Not this time.”

“Why not this time of all times? Did you hit your head somewhere? Bloody hell. Did she give you an STD? First rule of shagging is to always wrap it up. Come on, mate, you’re not an amateur.”

“It’s not that.”

“Then what is it? Do I really need to get you that checkup? Maybe I could find a priest and do some exorcism shit. I’m telling you, if there’s a demon inside you, I get the rights to sell your story to Hollywood.”

“Shut the fuck up, you sorry cunt.”

“What? Do you have any idea how many people are suckers for this type of real shit?”

“Either help me brainstorm or get the fuck out, Dan.”

He throws his weight on the sofa and flings his arm over the back of it. Then he exaggeratingly flips his chestnut hair back. “I’m all for evil plans. What do you need?”

I knew he wouldn’t say no to trouble. Ever since we moved from London to the States ten years ago, we’ve plotted one disaster after the other.

Or, he has.

For Dan, it’s that rush of adrenaline. For me, it’s the distraction from the shadows that are often perched on my shoulder.

Either way, we never stop.

Stopping means killing ourselves slowly, and neither of us wants that.

Neither of us has the luxury of surrendering to our demons.

I put my elbows on my desk and steeple my fingers under my chin. “What I need is a background check.”

“On who?”

“A tech in the IT department.”

“I like where this is going. But aren’t two geeky guys the only techs there? Wait a fucking minute, did you change preferences? No judgment here, but I kind of need to know if I’m the reason you flipped the coin. I’m hot and all, but no way in fuck, Knox.”

“I could get attracted to the entire world, but not you, fucker. And no, I didn’t change preferences. There’s a new girl in the IT department.”

“Ohhh. Now we’re talking. But why would you need the background check? HR must’ve done their homework.”

“Not enough apparently, because she fooled them.”

“Blimey.” He grins with mischief. “I like her already.”