“I’m sure she also told you to go take a wank.”

He feigns a gasp. “How dare you put such foul language in her mouth?”

“Is there a reason behind your call, Dan?”

“Blasphemy! What’s more important than the Queen?”

“My sleeping time.” Though he did wake me up from the nightmare, so I should be thankful, really. “Now, are you dead?”

“Obviously not.”

“Are you in a compromised position and need help?”

“Not exactly.”

“Then call me back when it’s not early morning. If by any chance, you have an emergency before that, call 911.”

“First of all, fuck you. Second, I think I told you we’re playing golf with the mayor today and you should’ve been here about…fifteen bloody minutes ago. And finally, it’s not early fucking morning.”

I slide my arm away from my eyes and peek at the time on my phone. Sure enough, it’s past ten.

Considering I’m not the type who sleeps in, this is as weird as a sideways fuck.

“Where the fuck are you anyway?” Daniel asks, sounding more impatient by the minute. He’s all fun and games until things don’t go according to his plan.

Though most of his plans suck, and they’re a bit impulsive sometimes, which might play a role in the sheer number of people he attracts on a daily basis.

He’s my only British friend in the States. We studied law together, graduated together, and we now work together.

We’ve even shagged together. Not he and I. There was always a woman in between.

We don’t make a habit out of it, but it’s something for when we’re bored and need extra endorphins.

“Somewhere…” I squint again due to the light slipping from between my fingers.

Where am I really? A piece is missing from my head, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out what it is.

“At least tell me you’re back from Jersey?”

“Jersey? Oh, yeah, Jersey. No, I’m still here.”

“What the fuck, mate? Weren’t you supposed to come back last night after meeting a client?”

“I had a change of plans.”

“What about golf?”

“There’s been a change of plan for that, too.”


“Golf is boring and so is the mayor. Now, screw off.”

I end the call and stare to my side, expecting to find the woman from last night.

Anastasia, she said her name was.

I don’t usually care about their names since they’re erased from my head after the night is over, but the fact that she was the one who demanded anonymity was what got my wheels turning.