“We need to talk.”
Theodore stops, the spoon he’s using to stir my tea drops into the mug as he turns to face me with narrowed eyes.
“About,” he says slowly, walking towards where I lean on the doorframe of the kitchen. When he reaches me, he hooks an arm under my arse and lifts me into his chest before walking backward and depositing me on the island. He finishes stirring my tea while he waits for me to continue.
“You need to stop seeing Anna.”
He tilts his head, handing me the mug. I clutch it in both my hands, letting the heat comfort me as he watches me curiously. We still have had little of a conversation about what this is.
What we are.
But it might just kill me if he insists on still seeing other women.
“Kind of difficult to do when she’s at the same university we are.”
“That isn’t what I mean,” I tell him dryly, my eyes dropping to the floor. “I don’t want you to sleep with her anymore.”
He steps into me, his hand cupping my jaw and pulling my face to his. “I’m not sleeping with her, Casper. I haven’t since before you came.”
“Then why did I get a picture of the two of you sent to my phone?”
“Show me,” he demands, pulling my phone from the charger where he plugged it in this morning. I do as he says, opening the message from the unknown number. The picture stares at me, and that familiar ache spreads across my chest when he laughs. “That’s from last year, dumbo. My hair hasn’t been that long in months, not since before you started at Eyam.”
“What?” I blurt out, grabbing my phone and inspecting the photo closely. I groan when I realise he’s right. That’s not recent. “Fuck, I’m so stupid.”
“Wait, is that you went out with Adam? Because you thought I was fucking Anna, even after I told you I wanted you.”
Grimacing, I nod. My cheeks flush, my body heating under his pointed stare.
“Look at me,” he tells me, pressing his forehead against mine. I lift my eyes, locking on his. “You and me? This is it. You are the endgame. My endgame.”
“Youtwoarevomit-inducing,”Kyle whines, faking a gag when I pull Fallon into my lap. Ignoring him, I thread my fingers into her hair and guide her lips to mine. Her mouth opens, letting me slide my tongue in. She rocks her hips on my lap, causing my dick to pulse under her movements. “I’m going to actually be sick.”
Fallon laughs into my mouth, pulling away with a smile. She drops a chaste kiss on my lips before turning her head to stick her tongue out in Kyle’s direction. He scowls at her, lifting his tray and moving to dump it in the bin before leaving the room with a quick bye.
“Skip English,” I tell her, pulling her back to my mouth again. She moans when I bite at her bottom lip, tugging it into my mouth. Her breaths come out in short pants as I devour her in the dining hall, not caring an ounce for whoever’s watching.
“I can’t,” she whines, pulling away and running her thumb over my bottom lip. “I’m failing pretty much all my classes, and there’s something I want to do in English anyway.”
“I’ll tutor you. And anyway, what’s more important than sitting on my face and letting me eat your cunt for breakfast.”
She pulls in a shuddering breath, lifting herself off me and holding a hand out for me. I thread our fingers together when I stand, letting her drag me down the hallway.
There’s a smile on her face the whole way there, and when we reach the classroom, she doesn’t take her seat, just leans her arse against the table with her hands behind her while she watches the doorway.
It’s another couple of minutes before I see the reason she wanted to come to class today. Anna strolls in, her short hair tied up and the tiniest little black dress adorning her small frame.
Looking at her now, when Fallon stands before me in leather pants and a baggy Metallica t-shirt she stole from my wardrobe, I have absolutely no idea why I ever even entertained sticking my dick in Anna.
“Show time,” Fallon murmurs, turning to me with a wink before pushing off our table and moving to where Anna just sat down. She leans forward, dropping her palms on the table and smiling sweetly at the other girl.
“Hello, Anna,” she says, her voice carrying over the room where everyone stops what they’re doing to watch what’s about to happen. “I got your message.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Hmm, I bet you don’t.” Fallon chuckles, her smile widening as she stares down at the girl. “Did you know that one day I’ll run this academy? That when my father retires, this place becomes mine? That’s an interesting thought, isn’t it? Did you also know that my cousin is currently the head teacher in this place? I feel like you do, and yet you still got in my way.”