“So, I read in the town newspaper there’s a Christmas tree lighting ceremony next Wednesday. How would you feel about making that our first date? What do you think?”
“I love the tree lighting ceremony! Do you know the history behind it?”
I shake my head. “No, but how about this? You can tell me all about it when we go out?”
“Sounds like a deal.” Her eyes twinkle just talking about the Christmas tree lighting. I only moved here a couple of months ago, but I can tell this community is ringing with all things holiday spirit. You walk down the street and every building has a lighted wreath or garland. Every single light pole is covered in decorations. It’s honestly like Christmas vomited its cheer everywhere.
I would gladly accept Willow as a Christmas present beneath my tree. All dressed down and wrapped in a big red bow for opening.
I’m a one-night stand kind of guy. Love ‘em and leave ‘em type. Because at the end of the day, all I’ve ever found is women use you until you’re of no use to them anymore, then they kick you to the curb. But sitting here looking across the table at Willow, I feel different.
She brings a joy to me I haven’t felt in a very long time. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I simply sat and talked to a woman, let alone stalked her down in a coffee shop. She’s different… and it’s making me want to do different things. Like woo her, take her out on dates just so I can watch her smile. So I can watch the way she bites her lip when she’s trying to decide something.
Or how she pushes her hand behind her ear when she gets nervous. Don’t even get me started on the blush. I wonder, does it go the whole way down or does it stop at her chest.
We grow silent, and I can’t help but look at her sitting across from me, drinking her hot chocolate. This feels nice, normal, even, and I want more.
She catches me watching her and grins. “What?”
“Nothing, simply enjoying the morning with a gorgeous lady. Drinking a coffee and eating. Three of my favorite things.”
“Okay,bae, dish. How’d the speed dating go the other night? You hook up with anyone? You have this glow thing happening.” Chantelle looks at me with a smile while sipping on her mocha. We met up at Sugar and Spice for our weekly gossip session.
I shake my head. “All cards on the table, it was awful, Chan. I have no idea how people think those events even work.”
“Well, obviously it wasn’t all bad. I mean. You met… what’s his name again?”
I smile, looking down at my hot chocolate. “It’s Oliver.” A blush crosses my face just thinking about him.
“There it is.”
“There’s what?”
“Your smile says it all. So, clearly, something good came out of it.”
“I don’t know. I mean, I want to like him, and I’m hopeful, but I guess I’m still a little hesitant.”
“Hey, it’s never too late to open up to the possibilities. Maybe you should just give in and let go. Enjoy this Christmas season and see what kind of merry sparks happen.”
“Says the girl who’s happily engaged to the man of her dreams. Speaking of, how’s Gus these days?”
“He’s amazing. We’re going this weekend to pick out our tree for Christmas.” The spark that lights up her eyes talking about her man makes me a bit jealous. I want what she and Gus have with my own guy.
“Didn’t you guys go last year?” I quip.
“We did, but this year the tree will be at our house. It’s our first officially engaged couple tree. You’ll understand what I mean when you have your own relationship.”
“Aww, Chan, I’m just so happy for you guys. I want that someday.”
“And you’ll get it. Who knows? Maybe Oliver is the Mr. Mistletoe you’ve been waiting for all these years.” I roll my eyes, but secretly I’m hoping she’s right.
My phone lights up on the table with a text from Oliver.
Oliver: Still picking you up for our date tomorrow?
A grin spreads my lips as I think about all the time we’ll get to spend together. Act cool, totally cool. I tell myself