He leans in and his lips crash against mine. They’re soft, but firm. His arms wrap around me tightly, pulling me even more snug into his manly physique. His mouth is controlling mine with each warm breath. This is definitely not my first kiss, but I’ll say it’s probably the best one I’ve ever experienced. I want to just melt into him.

One of our phones dings from the coffee table and he drops me like we just got caught doing naughty things by my grandmother. I watch as he glides over to the coffee table and picks up his phone.

“Everything okay?” I ask.

“Yeah, it’s just Tessa. Making sure I’m not out in this weather.”

“Well, tell her you’re perfectly safe here. I’m teaching you the ways of my Christmas cheer with tree decorating, hot cocoa, and maybe a Christmas movie or two.”

“Hey now, I didn’t know I’d be watching Christmas movies, too. That’s a little much.”

I wink. “My house, my rules. Besides, you may want to stick around once you see what I like to wear while watching my Christmas movies.” Jesus, this man and his sexy looks. What have I gotten myself into? Hell, I don’t even care. It’s been a while since I got any and I could use a good dicking right about now. “What kind of host would I be if I didn’t make you watch countless hours of magical stories surrounding the holiday season?”

The corner of his lips tip upward as he types something in his phone. When it buzzes again, he chuckles.

“She says I need more Christmas cheer in my life these days. Keep it coming.”

“I like her already.”

“She apparently also apologizes that you’re stuck sharing a house with my grinchy self.”

“She just doesn’t know what she’s missing out on. Exhibit A…” I bring out my Santa hat and elf ears. “Now… do you want to wear a Santa hat or elf ears?”

“Can I say no to either?”

I shake my head with a laugh. He dramatically sighs, “I didn’t think so. Ok, give me the ears.” He holds out his hand and I shake my head again.

“Nope, lean down. I’ll put them on for you.” He does as requested, and I can’t help this giddy feeling pounding inside me as I slide them behind his ears. “There. They look perfect now.”

He leans in again and kisses me. “I look ridiculous. But I make exceptions for sexy movie watching clothes and kisses.”

“All right, don’t be a scrooge now. We’ve still got half a Christmas tree to decorate. Sexy lingerie and making out can wait a little while. Anticipation and all that” My eyes find his and I give him a wink, feeling so smug.” He legit growls out his frustration at me and I can’t help but laugh at his annoyance.

“And I believe you have a Santa hat to don. Bring that sexy little ass over here.” He picks it up and pulls it down over my head gently. Pushing a fallen strand of hair out of my face, he looks at me with an expression I haven’t seen before, and I can’t help but fall for him just a little more. “It looks perfect on you.”

Another song comes on and I say the first thing that comes to my mind. “I kinda love this song.”

“Well then, it would be such a shame to let a song you kinda love go to waste wouldn’t it?” He bends slightly, extending his hand to me. “Shall we?”

“Oh, I suppose so.” Wrapping my arms around his neck, I look into his eyes, a small smile crossing my lips. My gaze falls to his lips and I’m entranced. I let my hand slide down to his chest as I press my forehead into his. I’m only there for a couple of minutes before my greedy eyes want to find him again. I pull back, and once again my eyes find his lips. He leans in to kiss me and I fall into the enchantment of it. He dips me slowly, his lips chasing mine, and it’s as if I’m going down a rollercoaster as my heart dips again.

We keep slow dancing until the end of the song, and I revel in this peaceful moment. Who knew such a tiny moment could become such a big memory? I think it’s one of those happy ones I’ll tuck away for a rainy day when I’m wishing I had a man like Oliver. As well as tonight is going, I know it has to come to an end at some point. Tomorrow or the day after the roads will be cleared up and we won’t be stuck in our little bubble anymore. So I’m going to make the most of the time I do have with him.

“Okay, I think the Christmas tree is ready for us.” Picking up the mesh with white bits, I take it over to the tree. “So... I want to stream these ones from top to bottom all over the tree. Bundling and bunching them as we go along with the branches.”

“You got it. Show me your Christmasy ways, oh wise one.” He bows to me, and I can’t help but laugh out loud.

“Okay, so at the very top we want to tuck the first piece under so it looks like a bow, and then we’re going to weave it down the tree.” I look back, catching his gaze trail up and down my body appreciatively. I clear my throat to get his attention again and he doesn't even flinch knowing I caught his open ogling of the goods. “Then, we’ll start out with the mesh ribbon, alternating each swoop of the black and white buffalo check ribbon throughout the tree. Next we’ll add in some red ribbon just to tie everything together. I know, more swooping. A few touches of red berries here and there. The cute little wooden bead ornaments, red trucks, buffalo check balls, tobacco boxes, and miniature signs I picked up this year and it’ll be perfect.”

“If you say so.”

“Oh hush, it’s going to be the perfect tree.”

We spend the next hour finishing with all the decorations. The tree looks just how I pictured it and the mantle is gorgeous. My stocking is hung by the chimney with glee and I only wish there was a second one to keep it company. Ha, I laugh at myself for that rhyme. Plopping down on the couch with a sigh, I watch Oliver walk my way and follow suit, pulling me into his side. I inhale his teakwood scent like cocaine and enjoy the warmth of his body pressed against mine.

“So, Christmas elf, what’s next?” He licks his lips, and I want to tell him all the dirty things I’ve been thinking all day long, but I also don’t want to come across as desperate and needy, even though it’s exactly what I am. Needy for him.

“Well, as far as I can tell, we have several things we could do. The possibilities are endless—Christmas movies, hot cocoa, cookie making, gingerbread house decorating...”