One more trip to the garage allows me to bring in the last of the boxes housing twinkle lights, ornaments, ribbons, tinsel, and my favorite, the tree topper. They don’t call it the most magical time of the year for nothing.
I organize the boxes so I’m officially ready for my Christmas tree decorating. I do tutorial videos every year of my Christmas tree setup. I’ve gained quite a following in the last three years I’ve been doing it.
A knock on the door grabs my attention and I can’t believe how I wasn’t even paying attention to the time as it flew by. Popping in front of the mirror in my living room, I quickly straighten my hair and run my hands down my clothes, trying and failing to smooth out the wrinkles. I breathe into my hand to check my breath.
Nothing a breath mint can’t fix.I pop an Altoid from my purse on the table by the door before another knock sounds.
“Coming!” I yell. One more quick look and I decide it’s good enough. Opening the door, I see Oliver standing there in all his manly glory. He’s wearing a winter jacket, gloves, a winter hat, jeans, and boots. I can’t help but admire how attractive he is standing on my front porch. My eyes trail over his body head to toe. A big white smile greets me and piercing blue eyes fade into a lighter color around the irises. A few pieces of dark hair escape his toboggan, but I resist the urge to reach up and fix it for him. His shoulders are scrunched as if he’s cold and his hands are shoved in his pockets as he stands so casually at my front door. It’s almost as if he’s meant to be here.Don’t get ahead of yourself, I tell myself.
“Hey, Oliver. Gosh, I lost track of time and I’m going to need like five minutes. Come in, come in. It’s cold out.” I walk back toward the living room and he follows. “Feel free to grab a seat. I’ll be just a couple minutes.”
“I’ll be right here.”
Her little cottageis way more than I expected. Decorated head to toe in Christmas galore. Everywhere I look there’s something that sparkles, twinkles, or shines. The mantle is decorated with one lonely stocking, and an ache forms in my heart. I understand the single stocking. I used to do it myself before I realized that Christmas wasn’t worth the ghost of Christmas pasts that came with it.
My eyes scan over her coffee table and I take in every single detail. I stop at a vintage carousel on the media console. I get up and walk over to get a closer inspection. It’s almost identical to the one my grandparents had when I was little. My fingers trace over it when a throat clears from behind me. “You ready to go?”
I swallow. “Yeah, yep. I’m ready if you are.” Turning, I see her in a dark navy sweater that exposes the pale smooth skin of her shoulders and perfectly formed collarbone.
Tight pants that hold every single one of her curves. A pair of boots. Her molasses-colored hair falls over her shoulders in light waves.
Her face isn’t covered in her Tiffany blue glasses for once and I take in the shape and contour of each smooth inch. She’s even more gorgeous when she isn’t hiding behind those lenses.
The corners of her lips perk up into a smile. “What? What is it? Do I have something on my face?”
“Nope, your face is perfect. You just look different without glasses on.” I mean every word of it.
Moving a piece of hair behind her ear, she looks down at the floor, almost embarrassed. Maybe she thinks it’s weird that I said her face was perfect. A smile peeks out as she looks up at me from behind those long, black eyelashes. “Um. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” We stand there in a daze, the air between us still. Neither of us moves, waiting for the other to shift first. I move in and trace my lips down her cheek, making my way toward her lips. The kiss is gentle, her lips soft, and I love the way she feels. Sealing my lips to hers, I deepen the kiss, and she follows my lead. I slide my tongue along the seam of her mouth, begging for entrance, and she opens beautifully like a pearl from a shell.
I run my hands behind her back and pull her into me. I want some type of contact, some type of friction, and I can tell she wants it to. A moan slips out and I swallow it down, reveling in how fucking perfect this girl is standing here right now.
My hands go on a journey. Down her side, caressing her curvy hips, and around her back side. With a fiery determination, I lift her off her feet, my hands firmly planted on her delectable back side. I give her ass a squeeze.
She feels light in my arms and molds to me like cookie dough. The things I want to do to her right now are not so gentlemanly. I’m imagining taking her back to her bedroom, stripping her down, and worshipping her like a fucking goddess. Fuck, I love eating pussy. I wonder if she’s as sweet down there as her mouth is.
I can’t wait to find out. My cock is now at full mast, ready and waiting for orders like a boat commandeering her port. Her hot center skates against the bulge in my pants and I’m about ready to call the whole tree getting thing off and just taking her here and now. Couch, floor, kitchen counter, bed… the possibilities are endless.
She pulls away from me, her face blushing a gorgeous shade of red, and I miss the contact instantly. “Why’d you stop, beautiful? I was clearly enjoying those wandering fingers of yours.” I wink at her for extra effect before diving back in for more of her kisses.
The song pumping through the speakers changes and I’m jolted into remembering what we were doing in the first place. Reluctantly, I pull back and take a breath, calming my nerves.
“Shall we get going?” I motion toward the door and she starts moving. Grabbing her glasses from the table by the door, and her jacket from the closet, she puts it on. She looks at me as if she’s waiting for me to open the door, and I pause.
“Are we… going?”
“It’s freezing out there. You’re going to need a winter hat and gloves.” I watch as she pulls them from her pockets
“Got it.” She smiles at me, and I can’t help but get lost in that look. No one has looked at me like that since Lindsay left me. There’s a spark here and I’m so excited to see where it leads us. I just hope my grinchiness doesn’t get in the way of all her Christmas cheer.
I open the door and take a step back, allowing her to go out first. There’s a layer of lust in her gaze now. It’s changed since that kiss. “A gentleman, I see.” Her eyes twinkle with the look she gives me again.
“Always.” I wink at her, and a rosy blush creeps up her cheeks.