It wasn’t fair, I wanted to keep kissing him and forget all of my troubles.
“Yeah, I hired an investigator. And I got a good legal team on it. The best that money can buy. And money can buy a lot. Right now, the lawyers are going after any site that posts the image. It’s a violation of privacy laws. They are ready to hit anyone with a lawsuit if the image is still on their site tomorrow.”
“But I can’t afford to sue anyone. I don’t have any money. I sent it all to the blackmailer.”
Nick shook his head. “It’s okay. I do.”
“You can’t sue every entertainment website out there. That will keep you tied up in court. You don’t have that kind of money.”
Nick made a funny face and started laughing. “Actually, I do.”
I covered my open mouth with my fingers. Jessie had been right, Nick had money.
“But it won’t come to that. They know posting the photos was wrong. Look, Kayla, with as much as I can do to have the photos removed from certain websites, I have no control over the people who shared, downloaded and posted to other places.”
“I know that. I do know how things work.”
“Okay, good. I can’t make it go away completely. But I’m doing my best.”
“Thank you. Thank you for at least trying.”
“Have you kept any documentation on what you paid out?”
I nodded.
“We’ll need that. They found out who was blackmailing you. They were sloppy, and not as anonymous as they thought they were when they sold the pictures.”
I bit my lip and held my breath.
“Who? Why?”
“You are not going to like this.”
“What do you mean? Who is it?”
“What’s your relationship with Gabe Mitchell?”
“Gabe? He’s my nephew, Kayla’s cousin. His sister, Jessie, was visiting over the weekend. She left this morning,” Mom clearly didn’t understand what Nick was saying.
Rage blinded me. I was on my feet in a flash. I wanted to smash something. “I told you she wasn’t trustworthy. She lies about everything.”
“Your cousin came to check on you. She said you left LA so suddenly, she was concerned.”
“She was blackmailing me, Mom. She probably took the pictures herself. Or Gabe took them.”
“Not Jessie. I don’t believe it.” Mom could be in denial if she wanted, but this felt like vindication.
Jessie had only ever rubbed me the wrong way.
“She only came so she could see my reaction when the pictures were released. She’s never been concerned with anyone but herself. She was always trying to get me to introduce her to Nick. Oh, my God. All this time she was the one threatening me and taking my money!”
I turned to Nick.
“I had no way of knowing. I didn’t know.” Tears streamed down my face.
He stood and looked down at me. I expected him to be angry, to blame me, but he pulled me to him and wrapped me in his arms.