“I’d feel better if you went with me.”
Nick looked over my shoulder, at the food display behind me. “Sure, come on, let's get something to eat.”
He handed me a plate, and I followed along behind him. His selection was all veggies and protein. I filled my plate with similar items, but I also took cookies and cheese. I hung back by Nick’s elbow and nibbled. I smiled and nodded as he talked to the people he knew.
This is what I was here for, to be seen at his side. I scanned around the room and wondered if anyone in here was from the studio that was putting the pressure on him to have a companion. Was I here at this party because someone had to see me? Approve of me? Or was I here because Nick wanted to see how I handled myself at a party where people talked?
There really hadn’t been any interaction at the charity dinner. But here I shook hands and smiled. I repeated my name and told people I was new in town at Nick’s invitation. But mostly, I stuck as close to Nick as I could, not saying very much at all.
“You’re quiet,” he noticed.
“I’m sorry, I’m shy, and you keep bringing me into situations where I’m expected to be charming and outgoing. You picked me, remember?”
“I remember. And I picked you because you weren’t trying to impress anyone. I’m the one who should apologize to you. I didn’t give you adequate time to prepare for this. You want to get out here, where we can be alone?”
I bit my lip and looked up at him through lowered lashes. “I’d like nothing more.”
Kayla had been perfect at the charity dinner, but this party was a different beast. Here I had to mingle, chat, and make small talk. The charity event had been a red-carpet gauntlet with paparazzi and then sitting around. Tonight, she hovered near me like a nervous puppy. I had led her to the deep end and pushed her in a proverbial pool with sharks. No maybe about it, I should have started her off with a smaller group. Let her get used to the idea of going out with me. But I wanted her near me, with me.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her out to the back patio. I was ready to take her home and strip off her clothes, but I had to chill. Had to be certain we were both wanting the same thing. The deck over the beach was probably the closest we would get to my idea of sitting under a blanket together watching the waves, having a deep conversation.
It was quiet on the deck, fewer people. I wrapped my arms around her and leaned my hip against the railing. The moon glistened off the waves as they made a constant hush sound against the beach below.
“It’s really pretty out here.”
“I love the beach,” I said.
“Why don’t you have a beach house?” She leaned back against my chest. If I could stand like this and hold her and look out at the ocean every day, I would change my ideas about beach houses and get one.
I shrugged. “Not a good investment.”
She laughed. “And what do you know about investing? I thought you were an actor.”
“I am multifaceted, dear Kayla. And yes, I know about investing in properties. I even know how to use the phrase wealth management in a sentence without cringing. But mostly, between erosion and fires, these houses are not long-term investments. They will fall or burn at some point. That’s throwing away a lot of money.”
“If you actually think in terms of throwing away money, then you don’t have enough to lose on a fancy house that might not be there in five years?”
“You are a smart woman.”
She turned in my embrace and looped her arms over my neck. She pressed her softness against me and my body vibrated with restrained need.
I couldn’t take my eyes off her lips. The way she smiled at me did something to my thought process. It was gone. I dipped my head and kissed her. I have no idea what my intentions were. The kiss deepened, and I consumed her. She moaned in her throat and tightened her arms around me.
I plunged my tongue in to meet and dance with hers. She matched my need with sucking and biting, everything a simple kiss was missing and everything a heated precursor to carnal desire was.
“You know, when you asked me if I wanted to get out of here, I wasn’t expecting the deck. I thought you wanted to leave, you know, take me home.”
“That’s exactly what I meant,” my voice was rough with lust. “I didn’t want to pressure you. Out here was a redirect. I don’t want to overstep our agreement. But I do want to take you home with me tonight.”
She let out a breath through pursed lips. “Good, because that’s what I want too.”
“What the fuck am I doing out here then? Let’s go.”
She laughed as we ran through the party, darting around conversation groups. I picked up my coat from some kid at the valet stand, and moments later my car was idling in front of us. Once upon a time my GTO was a performance vehicle. I’m sure with the proper attention it could be one again. But I drove it for looks.