“She doesn’t know you as well as I do. So right now, I can say with all certainty, you already impress her. The two of you are ridiculous. You might as well pass notes back and forth. ‘Check the box if you like me.’”
“Maybe I would if I didn’t feel under pressure from the studio.”
“Nick, look, the studio said to get someone to appear with, so people think you have a significant other. They want you partnered up and not out there looking like you are playing the field. You need to be seen with Kayla at more than one event to establish a ‘relationship’”— he made finger air quotes around the relationship— “no one is saying you can’t actually have a relationship with her. You are both adults. Maybe what you really need to do is sit down and have a real conversation with her.”
“We have had real conversations,” I countered. We had some very nice real conversations. With her in my arms on the airplane, we talked about how she needed to watch Lions of Medea so she could keep up with all the references people made around me. With her by my side at the charity dinner, we spoke about her interest in helping to clear plastics from the oceans. We didn’t do small talk, no chit-chat about the weather, no gossip.
“I mean about the two of you specifically. Are you really dating or fake dating for the sake of the studio?”
“This is all for the studio,” I pointed out.
“I’m aware, but is your libido? If you were only doing it for the studio, why did you insist on Kayla? You could have been aligned with any number of starlets. And before you say something about them being too young, you do realize she’s like fourteen years younger than you?”
I started to choke on my own spit. “She’s what? She doesn’t act like it. I thought she was closer to thirty.”
“Does she look thirty to you?”
I had to think about it for a minute. I didn’t really think about how old she looked, just that she had appeared before me as a goddess, and I hadn’t been able to get her out of my mind ever since.
I shook my head. “I guess I hadn’t paid attention. But she’s here for a job. I need to keep myself in check.”
Isaac gave me one of those trademarked judgmental looks of his.
“Okay, I kissed her the other night. She was so beautiful and happy. I kissed her and hated myself for it.”
“That bad of a kisser, are you?”
“Asshole.” I strode out of my walk-in and headed toward the kitchen. Isaac followed. I wasn’t angry at him, but at myself.
“I crossed a boundary. I keep crossing it. I’m supposed to maintain a professional distance with her, but I can’t.”
“Before you beat yourself up about it, find out what she wants. How many movies rely on some plot point that could all be cleared up with a conversation?”
I scoffed. “Too many.”
“So don’t be one of them. You are seeing her tonight. After whatever this party is, take her out to the beach and talk. I mean really talk.”
I knew what he meant. “You do the beach too?”
“Doesn’t everyone? It’s dark, it's quiet. No one else is there to listen in as you expose your soul to the other person. Confessions of love do best in the dark so they can’t see your face if they break your heart.”
“And break-ups in public in hopes they don’t cause a scene.”
He patted me on the shoulders.
“Ain’t that the truth. Do you need a driver for tonight or are you driving?”
“If I’m taking her out to the beach, I think I should take the GTO. That one always fits the bill.”
I needed to throw some extra blankets in the back. We could sit on the hood and stare out and the moon reflecting on the waves. I could wrap a blanket around us and pull her into my arms. It sounded pretty perfect.
“Vintage convertible clothes that looked like you picked them up thrifting. You really are trying to appeal to her middle-class, midwestern aesthetic, aren’t you? Like you’re some kind of down-to-earth wholesome kid who just happened to make it big in Hollywood on your charm and good looks alone.”
I growled. “I did get this far on my charm and good looks.” I didn’t buy my way into any studio or drop names or money to get attention.
“Sure, but you didn’t have to worry about rent money along the way, did you?”
I narrowed my gaze at him. He knew my financial background was a touchy subject that I liked to keep as quiet as possible. And I trusted him, which didn't mean I wasn’t going to glare at him.