Page 15 of Hot Mess

“I’m only in Los Angeles on vacation. I will leave next week.”

“Figures, of course, someone like you isn’t local. Can I see you this week before you go back home?” His eyes looked almost pleading.

“I’d like that.” I could hardly believe I was giving him my number. I took the phone and entered my number.

His shoulders relaxed as he took it from me and looked at the number.

“What? You don’t believe me?”

“Memorizing it in case something stupid happens to my phone.”

I couldn’t stop the giggle from bubbling up. “You say that with such certainty.”

“I memorize lines all the time, why not a phone number?”

“I meant something stupid happening to your phone.”

He shook his head. A grin pulled at his lips. “Yeah, I lose it, I put it in the laundry. Stupid stuff. I’ve fallen off a boat with it in my pocket.”

“You fell off a boat?”

“I was practicing a stunt and forgot my phone was in my pocket and not back in my trailer. Dumb mistakes. So, I memorize the important numbers.”

“Like who? Your mom?”

“My mom, my assistant, my agent, my girl.”

My breath caught and my heart skipped, but not for a good reason. I felt like I had been doused with a bucket of cold water. I closed my eyes and—

“That is, if you’ll go out with me again?”

My eyes flew open. He spoke faster than my own self-doubt could ruin a perfectly lovely evening. Thank goodness. I didn’t want to think he was necking with me while he was in a relationship.

“So, no girlfriend currently?” I asked.

“None. The studio keeps trying to set me up with these waifs in hopes to create some kind of Hollywood power couple. You know the kind where the paps can come up with some combo name.”

“Like Bennifer, or Bradgalina?”

“Exactly.” Nick rolled his eyes. “It’s exhausting.

He wasn’t what I had been expecting at all. When he burst through that door with all muscles and rage, I expected him to continue to behave like the barbarian he was dressed like. But he was a real gentleman.

“You don’t want a couple’s name?” Our name would be Nikayla or Kaylick. The first was almost a pretty name, the second was not flattering. The entertainment gossip columns could be mean, with my luck they’d pick Kaylick.

“When I’m ready for a couple’s name it’s going to be Mr. and Mrs. But that's not on my horizon any time soon.”

He had no expectations of a relationship. So why was my heart fluttering all over the place being near him? Because this was all so thrilling. Because Nick was paying attention to me in a way I hadn’t really had opportunities to experience much before.

“We shouldn’t hide in the corner the whole time,” he announced.

I wanted to pout and ask why not. It was safe in our little corner. No one was judging me, and Nick was kissing me.

“You should be shown off. Let’s get you a cocktail and see if we can find Nick Sadler. I’d like to meet myself,” he chuckled.

Everything happened in painfully slow motion, and all at once. What felt like the actions of interminable minutes happened in a few seconds, if that long at all.

Nick stepped away from me. He twisted and held his hand out for mine. Out of nowhere from behind him, a man, laughing hysterically, darted past us at a sprint. He jumped out of our way and kept running. About a heartbeat behind him was a group of mostly women. I think there were five or six people in pursuit.