“What are you working on?” I finally approached him.

He turned back to the model on the desk. It differed from the beautiful house he had shown me a while ago. The picture never left my mind as it gave me a weird feeling in my chest; it made me dream dreams I knew I should not be dreaming.

“A skyscraper. It’s for a fortune five-hundred company in Atlanta.” He said, showing it to me.

It looked like steel and monochromic. Much like any other skyscraper in the city.

“Don’t we have enough of those already?”

“Skyscrapers is the New World. If I don’t build it, someone else will.” He said and I said nothing to that.

He was rigid with business. It was what made him the best so far, so I tried to understand his viewpoint.

He worked in silence while I walked around the workshop admiring his past works. The urge to ask him about his relationship with his ex was strong. He’d jokingly called me jealous a few days ago. I brushed it off even though I had been, in fact, jealous. Asking him about it only confirmed what he had already mentioned.

When I could not hold it any longer, I finally broke and asked him about her, anyway.

“I know this is out of the blue, but I’m just curious and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, I’ll understand…”

“What do you want to know Vanessa.” He interrupted, and I turned to him with a chagrined smile

“Your ex.” I cringed at how I sounded, but I’d already started. I knew I had to see it through. His expression did not change when I mentioned it, so I forged ahead.

“What happened between you two?” I asked,

He looked down at the model in his hand for a moment before he looked up at me.

“Gigi was a selfish woman and I am ashamed to say that it took something like this happening for me to realize that. The funny thing is that, if the accident had not happened, we would be married by now.”

“Why did she break up with you?”

“According to her, she was not cut out for this kind of life, and given that her career was at its peak, she could not afford to slow down now.”

“What a bitch!” I said unexpectedly. Both Christian and I busted into a fit of laughter.

“She was a bitch.” He said, still smiling at me. “Though you didn’t need to say that to make me feel better. I got over her long before you arrived. It just took me a while to realize that it was simply my bruised ego that was hurt and not my heart.”

“I wasn’t trying to make you feel better. She was a bitch. I can’t believe I rooted for her to win dancing with the stars two years ago.” I said, and he laughed again. This time, I stared at him while he did, with a small smile on my face.

Seeing how much he laughed recently made me think that maybe Alba had been right; maybe I made him happy. Because he made me happier than I’d been in a long time. And being here with him was everything I never knew I needed.

Chapter 19


“Whereareweonthe Greenberg edifice?” I asked and heard some shuffle on the other side of the screen as Ethan flipped through some documents in his hands. I was holding a similar one in mine, but I already knew what I was asking.

I wanted him to give a more recent update since I could not travel to Atlanta to keep up at the moment.

“There were some pushbacks by the locals. The building itself was a historical artifact, but there were petitions to stop construction.”

“It was expected, and we got approval from everyone we needed to get it from. Their petitions won’t mean shit.” That was my cold reply.

I never joked with my company. It was what made me the best in my field. Some people said I was brutal and without conscience, but you could not afford to have a conscience when running a company as big as this one.

The Greenberg company had bought the old building and was now building a 650,000-square-feet building of what would both be a residential building and an official one.

“Of course, sir,” Ethan replied, and then he continued when I gave him a pointed look.