“We can’t do this. This was a mistake.” She said and before I could say anything else, she bolted.


Chapter 11


“Areyouokay?Youlook a little distracted.” Leila’s voice came from the vanity table as I massaged my night cream onto my face. I glanced down at her face-mask-covered face, and she is watching me with unflinching eyes through my phone screen.

“I’m good; I feel kind of out of the loop, you know. It feels a little weird out here. Sometimes I go days seeing no other face besides Alba and Christian’s. And on some days, Sebastian or Roger, the driver.

He was the only one who seemed not to have warmed up to me of all the staff here, even though we drove into town occasionally together. I was still working on him, though, and I wouldn't give up.

Unlike my boss, I would most likely have given up on him and had to stay away from him: an unrealistic goal, seeing I was his nurse and hired to help him.

My thoughts drifted back to earlier in the day, and my face turned a bright shade of red.

“Are you blushing?” Leila’s voice interrupted, and I stared at my reflection. Sure enough, I was red. My skin was naturally pale, so I knew I blushed too easily.

“I’m not; it’s probably the light.”

“Bullshit. Tell me about this groundskeeper of yours.”

“He’s not my groundskeeper, Leila. And there’s nothing to tell. He likes me, and I told him I’d just gotten out of a relationship; I wasn’t looking to jump into a new one. And he respected my decision.”

It was a load of crap I had just told my best friend. I was contradicting myself.

I noticed that Sebastian was getting extra flirty, and I told him about my decision not to rush into anything. He accepted it in good faith and, to my surprise, insisted that we remain friends. I also agreed as I did not have a large pool of friends to select from.

Before the day was even over, I’d made out with my boss and patient.

Thinking about the kiss alone made me blush, but I was reluctant to tell Leila that. I knew what she would say. Because I was also thinking about it. She would have said this job was necessary; and I would have agreed with her, which is why I could not afford to get involved with a patient. Not just any patient, a billionaire one.

“Boooo!” Leila said, and I chuckled before she continued, “You should let him fuck you. You look like you could do with some good dicking.”

“Oh, really, sleep with a man I would have to work with for the next few months?”

“Of course. Haven’t you heard the popular saying; the best way to get over a man is to get under another one.”

A vision of myself under Christian flashes through my mind, and I turned another shade of red.

“Not if the man you’re getting under is your boss.” The words flew out of my mouth before I thought it through, and I regretted it because Leila immediately picked up on my error.

“Hold on, hold on. Did you say your boss? Oh my God! I knew it. You get this weird vibe whenever you talk about the man.”

“What? I don’t give any weird vibe.” You are being ridiculous you know?

“Of course not and you know it. I picked up on it the first day you talked about him. You know you can admit that you find him attractive. You’re only human. And then you find that stable boy and fuck the lights out of him. But you stay away from your boss.” My best friend advised".

“First, he’s a groundskeeper, not a stable boy. We don’t even have any stables here. And second, I was not planning on doing anything other than staying away from my boss.”

Those words rang back in my ears for a few long days. He was everywhere I went, so staying away from him was impossible. I wanted to jump on him and hold him so tight with my body touching every part of his.

It was very confusing; my feelings for him. And I’d never felt this way for anyone—especially someone who’d been so shitty towards me.

One late afternoon, I sat with Alba in the kitchen to help her prep for dinner. I never really enjoyed cooking until my mom got sick. She used to love home-cooked meals. Since she could not have that in the hospital, I took it upon myself to make them for her whenever I had the time.

The familiar ache I always felt whenever I thought about her gripped my chest, and I took deep breaths, trying to stave off the tears.