Her words made me smile at the thought that Christian was my man. It was a total turnaround from five months ago when I arrived here, and if you had told me I would be here today, six months ago? I would tell you needed to go get checked into a mental hospital.

“Oh my God, you are blushing so hard right now. Do I hear wedding bells? I’m definitely the godmother to your first baby.”

Her innocent words immediately caused a ripple effect on me. The first thought I had was the thought of getting married to Christian, and then having his baby, and then I thought about the last time I’d seen my period or the last time I’d taken my pills.

The last two thoughts were the most jarring of them. Wracking my brain, it occurred to me that the last time I’d taken my pills was before I began even having sex with Christian, and I’d not seen my period since the first time we’d had sex. We also never used a condom because I told him I was on the pill and we both promised we were clean.

It had been almost eighteen months since the last time I had sex. Until Christian.


I did not know I had said the words out loud until Leila’s words pulled me out of my thoughts.

“Hey, what’s wrong? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.” She said,

“What? No, I’m fine. I’m okay.” I tried to convince her, even though I could tell that she did not believe me.

“Leila, I need to go do something right now. I’ll call you back later tonight.”

“Was it something I said?” She asked.

“No, we’re good. I just really need to go do this, okay? I’ll call you back once it's done.”

Before she could say anything else, I snapped the screen of the computer shut and hurried out of the room. I grabbed one of the car keys from the decanter in the living room. Alba was nowhere to be found, and Sebastian was still working by the pool. Christian and Roger were yet to return, and I was grateful for that. I did not need anyone to ask me questions about what I was about to do.

I took the SUV, backed out of the garage through the driveway and out of the compound, and began the long drive to the nearest drugstore, all the while praying that this trip would be in vain and my fears were for nothing.

Twenty-five minutes after I drove out of the house, reaching the destination I had entered into the GPS for the nearest drugstore in town, it took me to a small gas station mini-mart which also served as a drugstore.

There was a young girl behind the counter and her hair was a bright shade of blood red that the color could not be real. She looked to be no older than sixteen and she was filing her already short nails and smacking the gum in her mouth like some roadside prostitute. I noted all this in one look, but I was more interested in my current circumstance, which felt like my life was about to implode before the girl in front of me.

“I need a pregnancy kit,” I said to the girl, and with hands still filing her nails, she glanced up with a sardonic look, her eyes going straight to my belly. I instinctively cover it with both my palms as I wait for her to fetch the box.

“Is it for you?” She asked, fishing for answers.

“How does that question affect this purchase?” I asked her, with a bite in my voice, and she raised both hands in mock surrender and turned to the shelf, picking out three different boxes.

“Looks like you might need all three?” She said with a sardonic smile returned.

I ignored her attitude, paid for the kits, and hurried into the bathroom to pee on all three sticks. I set them aside and waited about three minutes just to be sure, and when I glanced down at them, my life changed forever.

I was pregnant.

It took me a half-hour of sitting down on the side of the sink to calm the intense heat I felt inside as I tried to come to terms with the fact that I was pregnant. And then, a sudden knock on the door startled me so much that I almost toppled over.

I threw every single box in the trash can by the door and opened the door. I stared in shock at the last person I expected to see here.

“Hey, are you all right?” Christian asked, and I swallowed hard.

Chapter 25


“Isn’tthattheSUV?”I asked Roger from the backseat, looking into the gas station and seeing the familiar gray car parked in front of the station as we drove by it.

Roger turned to the station as well and saw it before nodding; “Yes sir, it is.” He slowed down to take a second look at the car.

“Did Alba tell you she was coming into town today?”