She was still pretending to be asleep and I made use of that opportunity to run my hands slowly up her thighs to the flair of her hips and then the dip of her waist. My hands trailed back downwards to grip her hips, not too tightly but firm enough to press her even harder against my cock, and this time, the next noise in the room comes from my throat.

We were both still at that, and she could no longer pretend to still be asleep.

Still saying nothing, her hands move behind her to grab my own and pulled it to her front, against her center. To the v between her thighs. She widened her legs, giving me space to deepen even lower, still cupping her hard and finding her already soaked between her tiny shorts.


My voice is a low groan and I could bear it no more. My free hand turns her neck so her face turned to mine and I sought her lips, covering them with mine.

It felt like coming home, having her here like this. Like something had been missing for the past two weeks, and her lips on mine had miraculously filled up that missing thing in my chest.

A sudden rush of adrenalin filled me and I flipped her to her back, climbing on top of her, her soft sighs and moans urged me on. My hands never left her center, and I kissed my way down her body, pulling her shorts off her as I did so, until my tongue and lips joined my fingers.

Soon, she was making loud, wild noises. So far gone, in her pleasure, that she was careless about the fact that anyone could hear her groans. I am beyond ecstatic that I am the one to bring her to this state, and I would make sure that no one else would ever see her like this, not anymore.

That thought alone brought a rush of possessiveness I’d never felt towards any woman, it spurred me on to increase my efforts, and soon, her body wound up so tight, her fingers gripped my hair so hard that the pain brought a little tear to my eyes. I didn’t stop, not until she was yelling my name and begging me to stop; and she could no longer take it.

But she did, repeatedly. And when I finally slipped inside her, she was so wet that her essence covered my things and her own. She was too weak to move, so I did all the work and I didn’t stop until she came again one last time. And when she did, I released my pent-up frustration inside her.

We lay together in each other’s arms, in silence. The perspiration from the sex had long since dried from our bodies, but we still cuddled up together.

We’d made out for the last thirty minutes, hands touching and roaming like we were getting re-acquainted with the other’s body. I never forgot one inch of her body. It had become etched in my memory and I doubt even ten years would ever make it fade.

“I didn’t plan on doing that.” I finally said, breaking the silence and I felt her fingers, which had been drawing slow circles on my bare chest, stop before they picked up again.

“I know. I started it.” She said, and I could hear the smile on her face as she talked.

I am a little relieved that she did not feel guilty about this. I was afraid she would want to go back to us no longer having sex, but it had been almost an hour since, and she was still in my arms.

I was currently running through a list of things I could say to keep her in my bed when her words broke through my thoughts.

“I should not have done that.” She said, and I remained still, waiting for her to clarify what she meant.

“Breaking up with you. I missed you so much, and all night, I wanted to come to your room, but I thought you were mad at me.”

My heart swelled at her words and, unable to control it, I leaned down and kiss her hard, long until we were both a little breathless.

“I could never be mad at you. Believe me, I’ve tried, but I could not stay mad at you. I was mad at myself and thought it was something I did.”

“You didn’t,” she immediately added, and I glanced down at her with a smile.

“I know. I figured my mother said something to make you come to that decision.”

I felt her stiffen beside me, but she said nothing to confirm or deny my statement. I knew what I said was the truth and that she did not feel the need to throw my mother under the bus was an admirable trait. Even though my mother did not deserve it.

“I missed you too,” I said and I felt her relax again, and her fingers continued the circles on my chest.

We both lay in silence for another few minutes before she breaks it again;

“So what now?” She asked.

“Now, we decide if we want to be together, or if we should stop. What do you want?” I asked her, feeling like my heart was in my chest as I waited for her answer.

She waited for a few minutes as if thinking about her answer before she finally spoke;

“I want to be with you. More than anything else in the world. Maybe more than I need my next breath. These past couple of weeks felt like I had been in limbo and now, right here? It feels like coming out of limbo and I don’t want it to stop.”

She’d just said every single thing I’d been feeling, but better than I would have put it.