I could see my answer did not please him, but it did not bother me. There was a time when I cared what he thought of me, not so much that he controlled my life, but to a certain degree that he thought controlled it.

My decision to date Gigi had thrown him off balance when he dangled all the other heiresses my way and I shunned them all. His matchmaking ploys with Thea Wright at the event two nights ago were no surprise to me, even though I had told him clearly that I was not interested. My father, in his usual way, did not listen, and I knew he would make more ploys soon.

“How was your party?” She asked when we finally draw back from each other. I heard a hint of jealousy in her voice, although it might be wishful thinking.

“Boring. I did not plan to go, but I had to go represent my company.” I said to her.

“Oh. Your father could not do it?”

“My father runs his own company and I run mine. We might intersect down the line, but the two run on parallel lines.”

I felt she wanted to ask me something else, but something was holding her back.

“What’s on your mind?” I finally asked, and she sighed.

“Nothing, it’s stupid.”

“Tell me anyway.”

“It’s nothing. I was just wondering about something.” She sounded off; unlike her, and I knew for a fact now that there was something on her mind.

“Vanessa,” I called her name, looking down at her until she raised her doe-eyes to mine. Tell me anyway. I said to her, her smile is chagrin as she debates internally whether to tell me before she finally decided to.

“I was just curious about… you know… Thea Wright. You guys looked close, and I was just curious if she’s like a friend… or…”

She was stuttering a little and I could tell it was killing her to bring this up.

“Thea’s a family friend, and that’s all there is to it.” I finally take pity on her and answered her question. I could swear, I felt her sigh of relief and it made me smile.

She said nothing to that, and because I could not help it, I leaned down and kiss her again. This time, it was longer than the first kiss and because I had been hard for her all morning, we both work fervently on our clothes.

“Does it make sense that it turned me on that you’re jealous?” I said against her lips.

“Who said I was jealous?” She replied, and I could feel her smile against my lips as well.

“You’re not?” I leaned back from her to give her a look that said I did not buy the lie, and she smiled before her hands cupped my face and she pressed her lips to mine again.

There was no more talking for another thirty minutes and when we both lay spent in each other’s arms, it finally felt like I’d come home.

“I want to take Vanessa out this evening,” I said to Alba and she looked up from the meal prep she had been working on before I walked in.

“Sir?” she asked in confusion.

“Vanessa. I want to take her out, tell Roger to get the car ready in thirty minutes. We’ll be going into town by then.”

“Is everything alright, sir?” She asked.

“Never better, Alba,” I replied before walking away.

Vanessa was skeptical when I told her I wanted to take her out. It felt like we’d done everything backward. I’d noticed how unsure she was about my feeling for her and I wanted to show her that my feelings were sincere.

I was falling for her; hard. And it was becoming easier and easier every day to accept that fact. She’d been a little reluctant about us going out, more than worried about what Alba would think of her going out with the boss. I’d tried to ease her fears and insisted that it was what I wanted and if she wanted to as well, then we did not need to hide from anybody, least of all the staff.

She’d had no retort to make to that so she finally gave in.

A little past four o’clock, I was waiting for her by the car, then she finally came out wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a form-fitting woolly sweater. She had on ankle-length black boots and a beige-colored coat on top. She looked so good with her dark hair let down and the sight reminded me of this morning when I took her from behind with her hair scattered over the pillow.

“You look amazing,” I said for her ears alone when she was close enough and she smiled self-consciously before bolting into the car. She was extremely shy and when I looked back at the house with a smile, I saw the reason. Alba was peeping through the windows, and she was smiling like a proud mother.